Fox News busted Kamala Harris for this sick plan to guarantee Trump’s defeat

The Democrat Party is desperate to defeat Donald Trump. Kamala Harris has carte blanche to do whatever she needs to secure victory. And Fox News busted Kamala Harris for this sick plan to guarantee Trump’s [...]


  1. In 2016, the FBI and Hillary Clinton campaign whipped up the original Russia collusion hoax. and nothing happened to her.

    • Including her Email crime(s). I believe the Hildabeast lost because most of even liberals knew she was guilty and was a totally evil person.

  2. The Deep State is responsible for this hoax! They have done it themselves, look at all the indictments, talk about election interference!
    People they think we’re all dumb and stupid, so how do we believe anything the DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, and any other part of Biden/Harris Administration, don’t be dubious from them!!!

    • Talking about election interference: I wonder what would happed if a deranged right wing nut fatally disposed of Jack(off) Smith, Chutkan, or any other biased Prosecutor/Judge in the lawfare persecution/election interference of Trump.

  3. This bimbo can only do 2 things well…. get laid by willie brown, murder 13 in Afghan, ignore, laugh about it. FKH, willie brown did!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Kamala neeeds to be checked for hidden ear devise, which would allow her handlers to supply info during the debate!

  5. “The Justice Department will not tolerate attempts by an authoritarian regime to exploit our country’s free exchange of ideas in order to covertly further its own propaganda efforts, and our investigation into this matter remains ongoing,” Garland added.

    Authoritarian Regime!!?? They’re talking about the DEMOCRAT PARTY which has done countless things for decades now to control the flow of information to the American people! Then, they turn it around as they always do and blame it all on their opposition.

    BUT. Where is the mighty GOP and why aren’t they LOUDLY telling We the People THE TRUTH? A few speeches and comments here and there WON’T GET IT DONE.

  6. The demonRat party is soooooooooo CORRUPT!! They would make America a communist country if they get control!!! Put Trump in the White House and Republicans in both houses of Congress!!

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