Fox News demolished Jack Smith for taking this cheap shot at Donald Trump

Joe Biden prosecutor Jack Smith wanted one more go at Donald Trump. Smith took his last big swing. And Fox News demolished Jack Smith for taking this cheap shot at Donald Trump. Jack Smith’s dud [...]


  1. Jack Smith, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Smith, and more slimy lawyers and judges are all traitors. They should be treated as such (firing squad)!!!!

    • Not even a firing squad. They are not worth the price of the bullet. Just gut them and let them bleed out and do it publicly!!

    • Oh yes, my thoughts exactly! They absolutely nasty people. For what, for what?? Too turn our country into a toilet for the minority. Then I feel that anything I say is not worthy because I am a republican conservative. That is wrong! I have never hurt anyone and sincerely try to help people.

  2. I’m surprised that 68% said “No”, when Katie Cherkasky summed it up quite succinctly, and “reminded the audience that the American people rendered their verdict on with the decisive victory Donald Trump scored on November 5.”

  3. He has always been a slimey lawyer who makes up stuff to go after people. He has a bad reputation on the ICC tribunal. He is all for going after Bibi and not Hamas for war crimes. So that is why he was chosen as special prosecutor. He needs to be investigated and disbarred for life for all the people he has destroyed who were innocent.

  4. People need to WAKE UP! They can come after you and unless you have unlimited money you will spend the rest of your life in jail. The Democraps use law fare to go after people who don’t agree with them. Biden and Obama started this.

  5. Half of these reply’s would have landed these people in the X slammer for a week or so if not banned. I just said to slap Joe down for doing stupid things on his way out because he is so damed incompetent! And for that I’m in X limbo land and I AM AWAITING FOR MY RELEASE TO SAY SOME MORE NASTY SHIT!

  6. Jack Smith is the one that’s needs to be arrested and put in prison along with all the Biden’s, Harris,and all the other crooked DemOnuts

  7. My own take on AG Garland giving Jack Smith the greenlight to release his report on his investigation of Pres. Elect Trump is it’s purely political and to paint Trump as a bad American…But the American people didn’t buy all, I mean EVERYTHING in Jack Smith’s report…It was a part of a smear campaign by the Biden people with AG Garland as their tool but failed…Additionally, although I am not a lawyer, Jack Smith’s appointment was declared by Judge Cannon as illegal and therefore his report is illegal and by releasing the report to the public is also illegal…and further more thus releasing the report to the public has violated the rights of the subject and/or subjects of the report and smeared the subject’s character.

  8. I really wonder how loud the Democrats would scream and wail if Republicans were to do unto them exactly what they did to Republicans?

    I have no doubt they would cry that it was unconstitutional and everything else.

    What the Democrat Party has done in recent years is exactly what the Communists have done in every nation they’ve taken down in the past 100+ years!


  9. Jack Smith should be sent to serve in Ukraine to fight the war, but let’s not give him anything but a bbgun.

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