Fox News is helping Kamala Harris in this awful way

It’s not just the left-wing media aiding Kamala Harris’ Presidential campaign. Fox News is in on the act. And Fox News is helping Kamala Harris in this awful way. Top Trump ally says Fox News [...]


  1. FAUX News has joined the Communist News Network in helping to subvert the US and turn it into a Communist Shiite Hole. The sold out morons that run those agencies actually believe they’ll get wealthier under the Big Red Boots of Communism. They’re in for a huge surprise win or lose.

  2. Those people supporting Harris are such fools and do not know the truth, they would be extremely unhappy with China ruling them and their finances all gone!!

    • I do this poll and I look for the results. Mainly always pro Trump. But then you look at polls on any news station its all about the puppet. You would think they could track the money to see whose behind all the fake news. A rattle snake that has its head cut off can’t continue to strike day after day. We the people need to rid the White House, Senate and Congress is all snakes. Send them home unemployed.
      Create a new law that no law maker can except money from any lobby group, PAC or company looking to buy favors at tax payers expense.
      Make it a mandatory jail time for 20 years. Not one day less.

  3. This sounds like someone trying to manage our 1st amendment. maybe a devoted ccp democrat wanting more personnel power.
    My personnel answer is Say what I want, Kamaltoe, Heels up, Idiot, lieing hore, Mindless Twit. non natural born citizen and the EXTREME DREAMER !!! But I forgot, one more,,, person in charge of the border and has never been to the border.

  4. Best use for ” Kamala” would be as a euphemism for ” Screwed”, as in ” oh, shit, we are ” Kamalad” now.

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