Hillary Clinton went over the line with one unspeakable threat to Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton felt no remorse in her latest attack on Donald Trump. It didn’t matter that Trump escaped two attempts on his life. And Hillary Clinton went over the line with one unspeakable threat to [...]


  1. Hillary is sick, sick, sick. Wanting Trump killed for whatever reason is a cruel and sick thing to say. Obviously you don’t believe in God.

    • I don’t put much faith in men.
      I don’t think this election is going to end the way anyone wants. I think this election will end in civil war. It is going to split this country right into.
      Prepare for the worse, pray for the best.

  2. Hillary Clinton is a evil woman! Should already been removed from earth. She lucky her democrats politicians friends refused to follow the CONSTITUTION LAWS. After 55 murdered she is behind, we all know both Bill and Hillary should been EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD! But there other politicians in the democrats party that also should have the same treatment.

    • Oh I couldn’t agree with you more! I am surprised no one has tried to ‘eliminate’ the Democrat Party candidate(s). Are thy not just as much a ‘threat’ to democracy as the Republicans, if not more so?

  3. What a pathetic, sick, disgusting, evil, pos woman, who lives with TDS, Trump renting space in her pea brain, with no cure, if she doesn’t seek help, she will die very shortly, when her head explodes, from her insanity, propaganda, bs. hate, she spews.

    • You are totally correct and I totally agree. Sicken by greed and power hunger. Without a doubt Hilary Clinton has sold her soul to the devil.

      • I would have to agree with that.. There is still time for God to touch her heart, this maybe harsh, but I pray she still has a heart, meaning loving and giving!!, but that is for God to deal with. The Left lives on HATE it seems and they can not say a KIND WORD about Donald Trump, to safe themselves. How very very sad….

    • Hillary is as crocked as they come! She, allegedly, has left a trail of over 50 people dead behind her with no remorse! She sold our nation’s secrets to our enemies! She garnered money from world leaders who expected favors from her but when she was not elected she kept their money for her own Clinton Foundation!! Why should “we the people” trust or respect her? It isn’t up to us to require her repentance for all the harm she’s done but it would be wonderful if the almighty would proceed!. She was found guilty of treason but never suffered the consequences and has the audacity to defame Trump! REMARKABLE! But then again, when has anyone on the left been held accountable for their treasonous actions!


  5. I don’t think there is a more evil woman in America today. One day she will meet her maker and have to answer for all her evil ways.

    • Exactly….and everything she says about Trump is a plus for those of us who believe in making this nation the best it can be. It makes me more determined to stay with Trump. And she applauds the media for telling lies about Trump….figures! But she doesn’t say a word about Soros paying the media off to do it. Every time I hear her speak affirms that we are on the right side of things here.

  6. It’s ironic how she is putting the demonrats agenda on Trump. She’s literally telling us exactly what the demonrats have in store for us peasants. Don’t be fooled!

  7. Quote: Clinton thanked the media for whipping up hysteria inside the Democrat Party base about him as a threat to democracy.Unquote: Demonic Projection at its finest! Clinton is doomed! My “faith based comprehension” tells me she is oblivious to her future condemnation. Evil prospers until it doesn’t! GOD allows Satan’s influence to reward his “Wards” until he doesn’t! GOD’s timing is not our timing. Clinton’s trepasses are piling up which she may have to answer for in her lifetime, or, it appears, more likely, at her “DIVINE-JUDGEMENT!” Clinton does not realize her fate and repentance is not in her vocabulary. AND unfortunately for her, and her (think-alike) Demo-Donkeys their payback will be “HELL!”

    • She lost twice. She’s a bitter old bitch who has had 3 men killed to put herself in position to think she is still relevant as a politician. None of these dems are. They have forsaken the constitution to ctest their own socislistic fascist govt. So they w I l be thr ruling clasd. A.k.a. british govt. Which is going to shit right now.

  8. Accuse all the while doing the very things 5hey accuse the Repubs of doing! Make no mistake if the Dems get back in you can kiss America Goodbye!

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