Ilhan Omar hated having to make this concession to Donald Trump

Ilhan Omar is one of the biggest Trump haters around. Omar entered Congress in 2018 full of fire and brimstone to impeach Trump and expel him from public life. But now Ilhan Omar hated having [...]


    • Yes he did!! But liberals can still hate him. This Omar chick needs to pack her crap up and get out of America if she doesn’t like being here. She is filled with hate filled to the brim.Dome people outlive their time on earth. I just got to keep remembering Satan has kids too. Heyyyy Omar..honey watch this another thing your president do. Take care of the Americans that are still suffering the victims of the hurricanes that Harris/ Biden left to die!!!
      Watch, Closely What a difference a good president makes when they actually believe in America First,!matter fact I say these next four years Trump will make Biden look more worse less ever day,,!!!Just a Bee in your bonnet cause some people can fool you but check out the dirty on Biden.. ask his daughter. You all think you can call Trump a felon and you All know without a fact it was your witch hunt,your liberals made that up 5 out of 5 lawyers said it. Wouldn’t hold water. The judge was involved with to many people And if he was a just man would excuse himself from the case but again you liberals will never admit your evilness. LONG LIVE TRUMP!!!

  1. I remember being stationed in Asia when the Iranian hostages were being held. J. Carter (God Rest His Lovely Soul) kept letting Iran move the line in the sand. At the time I said, “He would say, ‘Don’t cross this line … Okay then, don’t cross this line …'”Then R Reagan was elected. Iran got nervous. Inauguration Day? All hostages were released! It was amazing! History is repeating, as it so often does.
    And AOC can go pound sand until she is up to her hairline!

    • Yes, that was the time I left the dimocrat party, never to return! Jimmy Carter fooled so many of us, and what a time it was!

    • Perhaps these terrorist supporters can be impeached and tossed out of office. How did someone who married her own brother get elected to our Congress?

    • I also remember a man that Trump reminds me of Ronald Reagan. He told them if those hostages are not released at once I’m gonna bring enough fire that it will turn that sand to glass!!! What a show of strength. They were returned, Ronald was like Donald he didn’t play he would do what he says that’s why WE have to have a president that’s a real man.

      • You are absolutely right. I supported this man with my voluntary time for 12 years the best I could as an American. This man is exactly what this Country needs. We will be feared and brought together as one.

  2. It just goes to show that a strong US government that will not be pushed around can accomplish on the International scene

  3. A strong warning made action finaally happen coming from Trump. they were more afraid to risk not doing the deal than they were when bidens team tried to talk them into it with no strenth .

    • Just like Harris said when Putin called Biden ,& told him what he was going to do!! You know what that strong leader (lol) said to Putin… DON’T… THAT Was it just Don’t
      I thank the Lord for letting us survive these last four years the worst in my life time anyways. This is gonna tick off the haters. Cause they will see what a REAL PRESIDENT LOOKS SAND Acts on.Trump is down to N.C. to help out Americans that Harris&Biden left to die. He’s taking help, FEMA is said to get back there and has a 2 billion dollars that was set back for the illegals SMH,!!! Lied again to us,!!! Wait and wAtch what AMERICA FIRST LIBERALS,!!! WE ARE GONNA WIN WIN ,& WIN!!! 💪

  4. This is just like the Iran hostage situation in 1979. Carter and democrats wanted to take care of the situation and democracy. Then Reagan won the presidency and told Iran to release the hostages by the time he took office, or we were coming to get them. They were released

  5. What makes President Trumps’d victory all the sweeter was READING THIS. Hopefully, she and her other SQUAD MEMBERS will cease to be listened to and their agenda PUSHED BY THE MAINSTREAM PRESS!

    • They don’t wish good on our nation or on our president or Americans. Do let them hate. AMERICA FIRST IS GONNA EAT THEM ALIVE FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS!! THEY KNOW THEY CANT BEAT TRUMP AND THEY HATE THEMSELVES,THEIR LIVES,HATE EVEN TO SEE OTHERS HAPPY.. LET THEM MEAN Away..datan has his children too… RIGHT SQUAD??? GIVE ME A TRUMP!!!

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