J.D. Vance called out Tim Walz for this despicable offense against the military

Republicans couldn’t believe Kamala Harris would pick far-left Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. His radical record provided a gold mine of opposition research. And J.D. Vance called out Tim Walz for this [...]


  1. I really wanted to vote no. You ask why? Well I say let them think they got a winner. No more going behind closed doors to steal the peoples votes. Harris was not voted in primaries for president. She is a puppet, no more than a potty trained mutt.

  2. I only hope that when Kackles and Walz loose in November that he is also replaced by a Republican in the Senate. It has to suck for him and his stolen valor is running against a Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine Unless dishonorably discharged).

  3. So Harris is “black”. No, her ancestors were from Jamaica and India. The Media lies about that or hides it.

    Walz carried weapons in war. No, he ran away from his unit before they deployed. The Media lies about that or hides it.

    If we still had an HONEST, JOURNALISTIC NEWS MEDIA, the Democrat Party would have been laughed out of existence long ago.

  4. Walz yep Old Yellow Stain what a disgrace to our country. Runs out on his company when they get deployed a real American hero Not. Is this the person you want as VP of the United States Of America. Two dumb asses the democrats try to run for president. Dumber and dumber how to destroy America with two dumb assholes.

  5. Is this the best Dems can do – another prez who can’t talk. Another Far Left veep who lies about EVERYTHING, including his own ‘military experience’, saying he went to war, when he DIDN’T! He actually abandoned his Tour of Service he signed up to complete AND his Men, by retiring when he got word his team was going to be deployed to Iraq! leaving the men HE LED 2 yrs before his term was completed! And NEITHER of them will talk about all the things they have said they ‘believe in’ and ‘have DONE’, that are AGAINST what the American People WANT in their Leaders! But they won’t tell you.

    • I heard that his men were better off with him not going. The guy who took charge was better qualified to lead and helped save his men’s lives. Not only was Walz a piece of shit for bailing out but he was a lousy leader who would have gotten his men killed.

  6. Walz yep Old Yellow Stain what a douch bag is this who you want representing America when times get tough he bails on America’s soldiers. Two assholes Harris and Yellow Stain.
    Vote for Trump you know what he will do for America he’s the only person who says every day how much he loves America. You will never hear a Dwayne that. Wake up America before it’s to late. Trump

  7. He likes China more than he likes his own country. Wish he and his piece of shit wife would go back to China and stay there. Give up your citizenship to the USA and stay in China that you think is so much better. He’s nothing but a liar just like Cameltoe Harris.

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