Jen Psaki declared war on Nancy Pelosi in this bitter feud

No one would have expected Nancy Pelosi and Jen Psaki to be at each other’s throats. But Pelosi and Psaki are at the center of the latest story of Democrats in disarray. And Jen Psaki [...]


      • I think they are a bit queer the way they hid for 4 years a president with an obvious declining mental capacity and denied it all along. So not only queer, but disingenuous, dishonest and misleading, and not to be trusted.

        • When Biden was VP, President Obama and the media would point out the weird / strange things VP Biden acted around everybody and their answer was, “Oh that’s crazy Joe again/laughing”. Come on, how can that be the parties best choice for president. To this day it’s a bad subject not to be mentioned.

    • to whomever moderates this 3rd rate forum: I have never bothered to comment in this space before. So you are as wrong as you are stupid. I have never repeated a post.

    • It is very interesting to see them” eating their own ” !The American people would be so much better off if we could remove ALL incumbents from this body ! Both Parties leave so many failures due to the nature of the ” Cabal ” .> First > they are a partnership that plays one for all and all for one . The US voters and Constitution are items that they disdain ,the Money ,Power & fame are their driving forces >>Just follow their actions >>

  1. I’m curious to know who is the minority leader, Pelosi or Jeffries? It appears that Jeffries is just the token. The Marxist Democrats have to regroup.

    • Psaki has completely missed the lessons to be learned from November’s election. The country rejected the Democrat brand in total, not just the “old line”. The leftist progressive wing of the party, aptly illustrated by AOC, was rejected as well. As long as the Dems remain “social warriors” and don’t seriously address kitchen table issues the voters will continue to reject them. Take a deeper dive into the election results and you’ll find a map that shows every county in the country and whether it voted red or blue. 87% of the counties were red with large population centers on each coast and Illinois being blue.

    • Democrats are either old and/or stupid. I don’t understand why Pelosi is still around, aside from being a power-hungry, blood-thirsty demon.

  2. Nancy Pelosi has been mentally unstable for decades. Jensaki is a professional liar. Neither of these demons are important in America today. They are fighting to remain relevant, and neither one of them are!

    • Right on and AOC is nothing more than a child like idiot. But prune face Pelosi needs to be removed…Go eat some ice cream Nancy.

  3. Nancy Pelosi has been mentally unstable for decades. Jen Psaki is a professional liar. Neither of these demons are important in America today. They are fighting to remain relevant, and neither one of them are!

  4. AOC should return to her “homeland and take ALL her “anti-Americans” with her. She is scourge of all politicians. Her Muslim ways are not conducive to America. Just look at what happened in UK. We can’t EVER allow them to become so powerful.

  5. Who cares? As long as the Dems continue their in-fighting and political suicide, I say, let them have at it!
    AOC is a prime example of what’s wrong with that party. She claims a fealty with the people in her “poor” district. Yes, she was born there..but that’s about it….she grew up in Westchester County, as daddy owned and ran his own architectural firm. She went to the best schools, and graduated from Boston U (supposedly “with honors”) majoring in International Relations and Economics. You’d never know it listening to her.
    I think she reached her pinnacle of excellence, as a waitress and bartender. She’s currently living proof that the “Peter Principle” is alive and well in the Democrat Party.

  6. AOC is a piece of work and shameful as a member of the Democratic Partu and Jen Psaki is a bigger fool. Hopefully the idiots will eat themselves and spare us the crap.

  7. It’s long time past that Nancy Piglosi should be put out to pasture! It’s time to get rid of the b1tch once and for all!

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