Jesse Watters learned a chilling secret about the Democrat Party

The Democrat Party likes to keep its dirty laundry under wraps. But someone on the inside let the cat out of the bag. And Jesse Watters learned a chilling secret about the Democrat Party. Robert [...]


  1. The Democratic party has lost its moral compass, sense of justice, code of ethics, and is certainly not a party religious beliefs. But, todays democrat voters are low information, and always vote blue regardless of the candidate.

    • DEMONCATS enuf said bout that party!!!! It’s like a spirt / an orchestrated brain washing taken place!!! What concerns me most is fellow Americans buying into the destruction being proposed….and it seems as though they’re totally unaware it’s happening?????

  2. I am just an ordinary person who believes in fairness and equal treatment of my fellow man…I’ve now seen how America has been transformed into an enemy of its own people because of one party’s obsession for political power, endless conflicts around the world, their open border policy where illegals keep flooding the country with gangs of criminals, terrorists and other groups of illegals whose aim is to harm America, create chaos in American cities while benefiting from America’s loose welfare system. The left is non-stop in their scheme to divide the American people using its own political system instead of using it to improve the economic situation of every American family…The democrats with the left media’s support have made their goal to instill in the American people’s mind that former Pres. Trump and its MAGA supporters are the enemies of the country…The DOJ under the current administration may have become its foot soldier to manufacture all kinds of crimes and even including acts that are not defined as crime or against the law in the book in order to persecute a man, drain his finances including his well disciplined children, and maybe even render him psychologically and physically unable to defend himself…The American legal system has become the tool against a man whose main goal is to correct the wrong policies adopted and carried out by the past administrations and to serve America first and the American people…I don’t see any other angle that’s been played by the DOJ against former Pres. Trump that could prove me wrong…Such weaponization of the American justice system should not be happening in this great country but I must say sadly that it is indeed happening and it’s beyond my layman’s belief that America’s justice system has become the persecutor and causing the sufferings of its own people because of politics…!! An honest perspective.

    • For me I could forgive Biden. His brain is like scrambled eggs. He has just been a puppet. I think his family should be charged with elder abuse for allowing him to be used. We all know it was not that they cared about him. Money was speaking to them.
      I think Harris is a parrot. She hears, then repeats it. Don’t mean she understands it.
      There is no question there is someone other than either of these two running this country. I seen some suggest Obamies. Others Soros, Clintons, Pelosi’, etc.
      When I was young and my first time voting I voted for a dem.
      I helped a friend who was working for a man running for office.
      She told me to throw the titles out the window. If come time to vote the man in office has been honest, kept his word, led by example and left this country better than when he was elected. To vote for him. But if things are worse, its time to make another choice. The past few years have been the worse I have ever seen this country deal with.
      I think civil war is closing in on this country. Please vote smartly.

  3. The dimocrats may appear to be the lone suspects.. but they had lots of help from their compadres across the aisle.. who absolutely could have shut down most all of this garbage we are watching them-the dims (obviously)-get away. Instead, they keep letting themselves get outmaneuvered.. ad nauseum (in a clearly weaponized and politicized setting..). If they are not part of this, they should have just shut everything down, and then demanded thorough investigations (but by folks from outside of the crooked wash cesspool).

    LGB/LGK/LGAnybody they run on their ticket….

  4. I’m a committee man and the democratic party does not deserve to carry that title anymore. So much for a socialless party which they are.

  5. William Armstrong, Following the Democratic Party for the last 62 years when I first voted in an Election in Alaska I had always voted for the Democratic Party but when I was at the University of Alaska when President Kennedy was killed and there has never been any doubt that he was killed by his own party is when I stopped voting for any Democrat. If a party will kill their won president means they would kill anyone that did not maarch to their drumn. Look closely ever conflict that we have been in since world war II has been during a Democratic Party in office and the Republicans end up cleaning up the mess. Now the only thing that the Democrats are running on is the right to kill unborn and even born babies so it in not inconvenient to have to raise a child. A law should be passed that all Democrats be fixed so they don’t have any babies and then we wouldn’t have this conversation of if their parents had aborted them then we again would not be having a conversation about abortion. Isn’t easy to solve they problem. That way we could have people that think that it is a gift from God to be able to bring a child into the world that would be loved. The Democrats have no idea how to fix the problems that they have created so they try to skirt the issues being faced by all American Families that would make this country stronger in the eyes of other nations which we are losing ground.

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