Jill Biden is seething behind the scenes at this massive act of disrespect

First Lady Jill Biden is looking to settle all scores. Joe Biden only has a couple of weeks left in office so time is running out. And Jill Biden is seething behind the scenes at [...]


  1. Both Bidens,Joe and jill belong together they are vindictive,act as though tWhey never saw the inside of a church yet attend. When you do some of the things both
    have done you can’t hate as much as they do and love your country and the people of this great country. We are so fortunate that he did not have “sense” to run again, although we know he could NOT win. He was Too awful as president.

    • I didn’t think there could be a worse first lady than Mooshell, but Jilly takes the dishonor of being a terrible First Lady. She wanted to stay in the limelight even tho Joey could barely get a sensible thought or comment. I thinkm she is guilty of elder abuse.

      • Jill was not a good first lady, and if anything, she should how power hungry she was and was more interested in showing her ignorance. She made a fool out of herself.

      • Joe presidency was horrible and I blame Jill and the family. Joe was given Adult Abuse Case, everyone knew including media they all played apart everyone should pay a punishment for the so called cover up. Shamefully and completely excusable. Shame on everyone for letting Joe make a foul of himself to worl leaders and to Americans. Shame on the the family.

    • This administration will go down a the most useless, corrupt with do-nothing losers who hate America. The fake news media is just as guilty. They have ZERO credibility or relevance. Trump nailed it with the slogan fake news.

    • They both are two of the most insincere and idiotic people. There has never been so much bullshit on both of them. Corruptness, lying, phoniness and not fit for office of any stature.

    • The Bidens are the most corrupt and the worst of the worst in the Biden Administration. Jill has a too high opinion of herself! She is a phony and should be arrested for her elder abuse.

  2. Jill Biden lied as much if not more than even Joe did ,she was dreadful as a First Lady putting herself ahead of the President by lying about Joe’s condition to the public.Chalk her up as worst First Lady ever to go with Joe as worst President ever matched book ends !

  3. Jill Biden should go somewhere and hide! The fact that she wanted her demented husband to run again for president is not only horrible, it is pathetic! This proves that she has no love for America! If she loved America she would not have allowed him to run for the rigged 2020 presidential race in the first place since it was obvious even then that Joe had mental problems! Life for Jill is all about her! I’m wondering if the ‘big guy’ will still get his 10% in their retirement?

  4. Jill Biden took the lead in covering up Joe Bidens mental decline. While he should not be blamed for it, she is responsible for it. She is effectively guilty of elder abuse for pushing him to continue.

    • Yes, he is also to blame. In the early stages Dementia Joe should have and more than likely did see a decline in his memory and cognitive abilities. That’s probably why during the 2020 elections he hid in his basement. Yet, I don’t see any of his staff, Jill or Dumbocraps in Congress being charged for anything for the cover-up. Will Congress push for Cognitive testing for all politicians elected or appointed? Probably not Fetterdumb and Feinstein should both have been tested. Maybe Congress will try to impose it on a President, but it’s unlikely they’ll impose it on themselves. Seems they like imposing laws on others, but continually and conveniently exempt themseves, but no one is above the law.

  5. Jill Biden was the worst most EGOTISTICAL first lady I have witnessed in my 76 years. she walks around 100% OF THE TIME with a sign on her back that says “I LOVE ME, YOU SHOULD TOO” Thank GOD Melania is coming back.

  6. Why in God’s name would any woman let their husband run for President of the United States knowing that he hated Americans? His statement near a mic he thought was turned off was: “I hate Americans!” He certainly proved his statement to be true by opening our borders letting millions of illegals to come in (A college student was raped and murdered by an illegal; two young girls in their own homes were raped and murdered by illegals)! As well a dear friend of ours who was away from his residence for a couple of months; illegal squatters broke into his beautiful home; living there for a while before torching it as well as two antique cars in his 3-car garage. His pickup was later found in the desert with interior damage. He was grateful to get it back, but was totally left with nothing but the “shirt on his back”! Thanks to Joe Biden and his open border policy! Biden needs to pay dearly with his own life for the three who were murdered due to his deliberate opening the borders!

    • I agree! My Dad had dementia and he knew it! Said it was time for a nursing home and moved there. You ask if Jill did a good job? That depends on who you ask. If you ask Obutthead he will say yes because he got his third term to destroy our country and he succeeded. Heads should roll for the lies and deceit of this administration and who was running it. I want answers!!! Jill’s only job was to keep Joe going and she failed big time. Lick her up!

  7. She’s vindictive and wanted the White House no matter what. It’s like he promised it to her and by damn he was going to give it to her. Harris was a terrible choice but everyone in his cabinet and administration were terrible choices. He didn’t care about the person’s ability or intelligence or integrity for their country or job, it’s what they could do for Senile Joe and his checking off the boxes for DEI. If this doesn’t go down in history as a bottom 5 of all Presidential records then someone should be held accountable for cooking the books. They are showing their true colors of corruption too in history.

  8. So called Doctrine Jill Biden is a fraud and elderly abuse person! She never deserved being our People’s House House First Lady either to be very honest! she was a home wrecker to begin with and never stopped to care about what others thought and now she still doing a bad job after making The People house House look like A Carnival form Florida at Barnum & Baileys! She is a terrible wife and all she thinks about is herself and how she destroyed Hunters life and for what? All this time all she wanted is POWER over Joe and family and America! all because she wanted Joe to be president to make herself look good and HAVE POWER!

  9. What difference does it make what Jill did or didn’t do? Joe took his orders from Barack the Muslim.Communist Obama for 4 years anyway.

    You remember Obama? The guy who PROUDLY and repeatedly admitted to being BORN IN KENYA and submitted a an OBVIOUSLY false B/C claiming to have been born in a hospital that didn’t exist yet as “proof” of eligibility to serve as President then DID FOR 8 DESTRUCTIVE YEARS. Remember him?

    And who in government or the Gutless Old Pussycat Party did a thing about any of that?


    Did Jill “seethe” about any of THAT?

    The GOP did nothing about that then did little afterwards to support Trump’s agenda.

    Will we ever see any outrage in Conservative world about any of that or can we expect to see only picayune maundering about Jill Biden?

    The Conservative world better get on board with Trump for the next 4 years and forget Jill!!

    • Agree with you 100% Tom Wilde about that insideous lying fraud dangerous communist Obama. Destructive anti-American. Applaud everything you said.

  10. The Bidens and Harrises are all crackpots, and we should relegate them to the trash pile of political history. They, together, destroyed the great USA that Trump built during his first term. Now, we will rebuild the destruction again in Trump’s second term. If the Democrats didn’t cheat to steal Trump’s “real” second term (which would have been two consecutive terms), things would have been great right now as we would be ending Trump’s “real” second term. However, between Obama (the Divider) and Biden, we have an enormous rebuilding job to do in the next four years.

  11. I’ll start by saying I’m not a Dem, would never have voted for Blieden, and believed he was never intelligent enough to be a Senator, let alone the President. He was always and is still a dud. The laughingstock of BOTH houses of Congress. And, as we found out, a national security threat for over 4 decades with his theft and inappropriate storage of classified documents. Also, the Capo dei Capa of an organized crime family.
    It takes a special kind of evil individual to be so wrapped up in herself and perceived power in a position of no official power to endanger an entire nation. There is NO doubt that Joe exhibited signs of senile dementia for years prior to the 2020 election. The fact is that he was hidden in the basement because of that…not a fear of Covid. She knew. She knew all along he was senile and could only get worse. And she hid the fact, as did the rest of the family, his puppeteers, and everyone in the administration and the Dem party. Not only for their own benefit, but, I would submit at her behest. Evil is the only word to describe someone so self-centered that she’d allow the entire world to see her mentally ill husband make a complete fool of himself. There must be a special place in hell for such people taking advantage of a “loved” one for power. A corrupt wife, of a corrupt husband, in a corrupt family. And the American People were sold a bill of goods in 2020. The Left/Dem machine is corrupt and hopefully, will go the way of the Whig, and other political parties in our history, that did not survive to modern times.

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