Jill Biden just called Donald Trump one unthinkable name

Jill Biden was furious after Democrats orchestrated a coup against her husband. But she put her bitterness aside to campaign for Kamala Harris. And Jill Biden just called Donald Trump one unthinkable name. Jill Biden [...]


  1. Donald Trump does not need to go through the trials and tribulations of a costly campaign. He can truthfully say he has a grand life but, if elected, he will try to right the wrongs of the Biden incompetent reign these last 3-1/2 years. Jill Biden should be held responsible for pushing her husband to become president. As I understand it, she desperately wanted to be First Lady even though both she and his advisors recognized Biden’s cognizant decline. Don’t throw stones, Jill, because you live in a glass house!

    • Jill Biden is Power hungry, all you have to know is what she did to her x-husband with Joe Biden’s help, they are one of a kind and deserved each other. They are crooks and out to destroy anyone who gets in their way. But wait until Trump is back into the White House and his new DOJ let the Congress go for the Biden’s for treason crimes and send him, this brother and Hunter with Jill being an accessory to their crimes, and see how she feels about her power!!!

      • Jill is such a phony old bag. It is all about her…And just like Kamala. Lie, cheat, steal and plainly stupid!

    • right on margaret. jill biden didnt care how joe was coming along she wanted to be first lady. and let me tell you jill biden was the worse first ladyever in our country a real jerk just like the laughing hyhenia kamala.,melania trump put rings round jill biden this creep jill biden knew her husband was sick in his mind but no she wanted to be first lady.good riddnes to jill biden .trump in 2024

  2. It’s amazing to me how Dems like – Is the spotlight on me? Spotlight Doc Jill – Soon as Joe thru in the towel she was jetting off to the Olympics in Paris and then jetting back and forth multiple times to Hunters’ trial (sure that was cheap on our tax payer’s dime and how thoughtful spotlight doc Jill – phony b***h. But Trump’s the selfish one – yea right!!!!! ***** 14 days until redemption*****

    • jill biden is a lying bitch to everyone she just wants to be first lady all the time. its happenig jill you knew your husband joe was sick you didnt care just wanting to be first lady. well jill the jig is up you will be out of the white house very soon.and guess what a true beautiful smart lady will be in the whitehouse very soon her name is milania trump.i didnt blame her for not coming to the wh to have lunch with a twoface like you jill. your husband has been a very sick man you as a wife should of pulled himout becoming president.your nothing but a real creep you just want power lady. and now your term is uptakecare of the oleman joeand take visits to the prisons why because your beautiful stepson will be in court very soon.im so glad joe lost.now we will have real president and a educated gorgous beautiful smart lady melania trump.2024 came come any sooner jill.

      • and dont forget one other thing about how great a mother jill was letting joe take showers with there daughter up until the age of 12.what a mother she was and another nut.

  3. While I do not agree with using the term “First Lady” because every man should consider his wife or girlfriend First Lady, I will say that imo Melania is a much better person than Komula. I do disagree with both of them as far as the murder of babies go. But in every other area that I can think of Melania is head and shoulders ahead of Komula.

    • I agree with above letter 110%. My wife of 53+ years will always be my “firstand only” lady. She has Dr. Jill beaten hands-down. Jill is nothing but a political fake as far as I’m concerned.

  4. Jill,”not a real doctor” is an ass. She was all about her selfish self trying to keep Slow Joe in the race. She’s a power monger and didn’t want to give it up and had no concerns about her husbands health. Such a phony.

    • I would bet if a DNA submission from (Kill Jill Bidumb, Nancy Piglucy, Hillary Clintockass, Cacklemala Harryass, Lizzard Cheney were analyzed it would be revealed they all have a (realatable: baby killing, man hating, sisters from a different mother b***h gene in common. Feel free to add list – know I left some out !!!!!!

    • She’s not a medical doctor but got her doctorate in Education. Hate to sit in one of her classes in college. She teaches in community colleges.

      • I have come across several niwits who have Dr’s. degrees, mostly in Piled Higher and deeper areas and Jill fits the mold. Her problem is that she thought she was president. I doubt she will leave the WH and will have to be evicted by the NF.

        • Jill should be up on charges of elder abuse. She knew that her husband had real mental problems when she had to escort him off stage many times because he was so confused and didn’t know where he was or what he was doing. Good job jill.

  5. Shut up and go change Joe’s diaper you saying Trump is selfish is such a lie who gave his presidential salary to charities and who kept his on top of all the ill gotten gains

  6. People who live in glass houses should NEVER throw stones. The selfish one is the one who pushes a mentally ill person do to what she knows he can’t. She lives with the man and KNOWS of his mental decline and instead of supporting him (which as his wife she should have) She pushes him back into the spotlight to be more humiliated. We know who [loves] the power behind the throne is. She should be arrested and tried for elder abuse!

  7. Jill is a cheap, jealous slut. She was after Joe EVEN while he was married!!!!
    Joe has caused nothing but misery to us, the American people. Theyvraised a crap son, Hunter. Joe stayed in politics for the graft he received. All of them do it.

  8. This election won’t even be close. It will be a Republican landslide like never seen before. But when Kamala refuses to certify the election, I see blood on the streets for a short time but right will overcome wrong. When Trump takes his rightful lace in the Oval Office, I hope his first order of business is to put the Democratic Party on the Domestic Terrorist list. With the rioting and lives lost, that shouldn’t be too tough.

  9. Jill Biden is a worn out Sea hag. She betrayed her own ethics and now will kiss Harris ass. This is a person with no scruples and respect for her incompetent husband. All the Biden’s will go down in history as complete corrupt criminals and worst president in American history. Jimmy Carter finally gets released of that horrendous history comment. Biden will carry that from now on worst president ever to destroy America. Jill hide your head in shame.

    • Aw, C’mon, Grizz. What does being a “Doctor” in any field have to do with anything? There are “Doctors” out there that swear an Oath to “First do no harm” then make million$ killing babies in the womb.

      Hypocrisy RULES the Democrat/Communist Party.

  10. It was people in the education business, like PhD “Doctor Jill”, who are responsible for completely warping the minds of millions of young Americans. The outright LIES and twisted half-truths being shoved into empty young minds in our schools are the main reason the Democrat/COMMUNIST Party exists as it does today.

    Biden and her ilk ARE COMMUNISTS. They are taking America over from the inside JUST AS THE OLD TIME COMMUNIST PARTY LEADERS SAID THEY WOULD!!!!

    WAKE UP, AMERICA!!! It IS happening here!


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