Jim Jordan got his hands on one Kamala Harris smoking gun that you won’t believe

Jim Jordan has been investigating the Biden-Harris administration for two years. He finally hit paydirt. And now Jim Jordan got his hands on one Kamala Harris smoking gun that you won’t believe. Mark Zuckerberg admits [...]


  1. Bigger than Watergate? See how far you get with this one Jimmy. Have you ever thought about legislating? How’s your adventures with issuing subpoenas and responding to them going?

  2. I was a victim of the censorship which I thought was strange at the time. I attempted tp post a funny abut the vaccine that went like this: They have discovered a new side effect to the Pfizer vaccine when you urinate it doesn’t make any sound (because the “P” is silent). This post was removed by the censorship crew for violating government guidelines regarding the vaccines. Where has humor gone to?

  3. Does this mean they actually
    Will be removed n charged.n
    Punished or it ends here
    Are u ready to charge Hillary
    For all she has done so much
    She sold urainium to Russia is that legal

  4. Zuckerberg needs to face charges for more then one crime!And how about charging biden/harris REGIME for threatening with this bullshit!! Our current REGIME is CRIMINAL AND TREASONOUS TRAITORS AND COWARDS THAT MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!!

    • Sounds like the DOJ should be indicted on at least 34 felony charges for election interference!!!!! Big tech was just manipulated by the Dem police

  5. Facebook IS STILL CENSORING!!! Now that he has admitted it, what is Congress going to do to “STOP IT”????

    • Censoring is not the American way. It’s the communist way. Sad what this country and so many of Americans have turned to. The love of power and money is Satan’s way. If they don’t pay in this life, they will in the hereafter. They have sold their souls to the devil. I will not pray for them. It would do no good.They no longer have a soul. Satan will not give them a refund . Their souls now belong in Hell Bar

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