Jim Jordan revealed to Sean Hannity the October surprise that could doom Trump

Jim Jordan is one of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters in Congress. He’s worried about what could happen this November. And Jim Jordan revealed to Sean Hannity the October surprise that could doom Trump. Mark Zuckerberg’s [...]


  1. The Democrats never stop at anything that will deceive this nation. They will try everything and tell any lie that will win their candidate into the White House, and Congress. The entire country’s democracy as we know it is all on the line. Election interference will be at an all time high.

    • I think your right.
      I think the judge will send him to jail to try and stop him. They can make sure he is killed inside there. Biden said it he has a bulls eye on him.

      • I wouldn’t trust anything the lying, corrupt democrats say or do! As far as Kamala, she’s been spewing her thoughts for several years and instead of spewing her original ideas on what she actually believes, she lies and states things that Trump says he wants to do, DON’T ever trust her as she is a person who would say anything to get what she wants. Just remember, a tiger never changes its stripes and what she’s said in the past will never change and what she’ll do as president will make our country a hell hole. She and the democrats want to change our country into a communist state…Don’t believe her rhetoric!

    • Why isn’t Zuckerberg behind bars as we speak?!?!!!
      He openly admitted to voter corruption, covid misinformation, Hunters laptop scandal involving Russians and communist China!!!! It’s time to get rid of big tech companies, start over again with massive restrictions or you forfeit your company, go belly up!!! I’m sick of the communists in our country getting away with anything they want and not suffer the consequences!!! Time to fight back, put these criminals where they belong, behind bars never to see the light of day, that would be too good for them!!!

    • After what the Democrats pulled in 2020, cheating in 2024 would be like shoving it in our faces! The trouble with the Democrats lies is that one day their rank and file will realize they’ve been lied to, first and foremost! That’s sad that people so blindly buy into the lies of the left! I’m sure the truth will be forthcoming

  2. The Jackals will release all its/their poison, in order to keep “ITS” control, but just like the snake, it will eliminate itSELF when the last drop is released

  3. Don’t dismiss the obvious, sympathy vote should Biden suddenly pass. Just shedding liabilities and not wasting a disaster, as a famous dem once said.

  4. I don’t believe a single word these Democrats that are far left say or sneaky unlawful things they may pull. Vote Trump/Vance 2024🇺🇲

  5. Well no one is mentioning the big one, an EMP attack so they can stop the election. Paper ballots would end that arguement.

  6. why do we even have any GOP in DC they don’t do shit, whine and cry and announce what they find and never ever do a damn thing about…useless

  7. I beleve that what ever this leftist are trying to do our God is still in control so whatever they are going to do consequences will happen to them God Almighty knows them.

    • God knows, and we all need to have faith in God’s plan even if it means there has been a hardening of hearts, concerning truth! That is what it seems to me as to why so many are not on Trump’s bandwagon and choosing to what people are
      believing the leftist’s lies?

  8. More and more the conspiracy theories demonCrats claimed about Trump 2020 are being debunked . TRUMP WAS RIGHT……imagine that he has been truthful all along. Demons – The TRUTH never changes/flip flop and will always set you FREE!!!!!

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