Joe Biden holds this ugly grudge against Barack Obama

Barack Obama picked Joe Biden to be his Vice President. But that relationship is on the rocks. And Joe Biden holds this ugly grudge against Barack Obama. Biden-Obama relationship fractures over the coup attempt President [...]


  1. joe biden is a worthless criminal AND ofama is an America-hater that was NEVER eligible to hold the office of president AND has violate SO many state, federal & Constitutional laws!! BOTH need to be REMOVED FROM all pensions and PUT in GITMO for life!!!!!! along with their corrupt families

    • When will the demonRats learn not to choose idiots for their running mates?? The American people are not dumb and the dems need to learn that! We are a LOT smarter than they are! You can’t keep secretes in D.C. LOL!

  2. Obama’s a snake in the grass. He’s a player. He needs to go away, the Dem party is bad enough without him, he protects himself by maintaining his “distance”, but constantly stirs the pot. He cannot be trusted and anyone that does, is a FOOL !

    • 💯 percent right! Obama wasn’t eligible to even be a president they faked his birth certificate just like they did Harris . They go after Trump for some stupid thing they made up and there’s Harris vice president supposedly and he’s nothing but a crooked Conman. Only way they could win the election is to falsely sentence Trump and that’s what they’re trying to do now! Just like all the signs in DNC her Chicago show they were for Biden not for Harris😂 Must be her illegal standing out there. Can’t speak English

  3. When did Bidens light bulb go off ?
    Every person in his administration was Obama’s Including Valerie Jarrett who needs hanging for treason . With the half Black illegal.
    Obama the half Black was And is an Illegal who uses 3 dead peoples SS numbers Look up the court case. The judge says he was just borrowing them . Go to and go into the ITS handbook . It says illegals can borrow your social security number.
    Kamala is an anchor baby dropped out of an illegal womb .They made Ted Cruz prove this one. Why has he not screamed about this . Probably because his head is too far up a democrat Neither one of her parents are a legal natural born American citizen. Our law-says there must be at least one to be able to be VP or President . It seems the laws are broken whenever a democrat decides to ! Both of her parents and paternal grand parents operated a slave plantation where thousands of India people died. Right before they came to America
    She stood two weeks ago in front of the Nazi media and told every American! That our children needed to die so theirs could live. Go back and listen to her when she was campaigning for president before . She said when she got into power that she was going to take every white persons home away . Look who is responsible for the 89,000 armed IRS agents ! Get the picture. This coup was planned when she came out of Willie Browns pants . And give it to illegals. Being she is Illegal. Can you see why she wants Americans dead ?
    The government stats were just released. Americans are not having children . But illegals are breeding like rats . And everyone is being kept up by working Americans. Well being this demonic government is pushing abortions to the amount of 69 million plus . And since they dumbed down Americans into cutting off their genitals.
    There’s the reason. Now you see why there is an Illegal in every inch of America. And why they are pushing a war against white people . With 57 % of blacks and 46 % of all illegals on welfare. It would be wise to stop killing off your people who keep up the world. I for one am sick of racism And if we don’t start having neck tie parties . And cleaning out the trash ! It’s going to get worse.. They just put Tulsi Gabbards name on the terrorist list . B cause she spoke out against Kamala !! England may have to listen to their idiot king . But America has no king or dictators or rulers or parliamentary government.
    Just stupid putrid elected fools
    Wake up people . Illegals have been given what Americans created not this Nazi government . That border belongs to Americans not those who sit in the demon city
    Our government is the biggest enemy of America And a demon politician is the enemy of the unborn American

    • FJB. I have no sympathy for him at all. He’s destroying our country and the destruction started on his first day in office. He needs to be tried for treason and face the firing squad. Obummer is running the show, but dopey Joe is too stupid to say, “Wait a minute, this is wrong. I won’t do it”. Now dopey Joe will take the heat for it. Nothing will happen to Obummer because he’s safely out of office.

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