Joe Biden is about to start a nuclear World War with this terrible order

Joe Biden’s Presidency was a disaster. Now on the way out the door, Biden is planning his most damaging move yet. And Joe Biden is about to start a nuclear World War with this terrible [...]


  1. There has to be way to stop Biden with his moronic moves. It will take “forever” for USA to recover. Is there no safeguard in all of USA laws to prevent a person like Biden from further destruction ? Unbelievable what this man can do while all Dumborats just sit by and watch. There are some very smart law-makers in Dem party. What’s keeping them so quiet?

    • get biden out of thewhite house now?his mind isnt right? he doesnt know what the hell he is talking about?cant wait to get president trump in office. joe biden needs to go now?his mind isnt right.

  2. Democommunist have always been warmongers. They love war, death and destruction. When they aren’t warring against some people somewhere they are destroying babies at abortion clinics. They cannot survive without their daily dose of bloodshed. When Trump takes over it is imperative that democommunist never again hold authority over anyone anywhere in this country or the world. We should have a natural right to live without the constant threat of democommunist.

  3. He (Joe Biden) is going to have to be very careful what and when he makes decisions from this point on. He’s proved he’s no longer true to his word and he has a lot of family members to get out of harm’s way at this point, including himself. As soon as Trump is sworn in, Joe’s at risk for those things that were done FOR HIS BENEFIT AND NOT THAT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. I’m not an evil person but I’m tired of people getting away with everything with no consequences and it’s time for this last administration to pay the piper. They are soaked in illegal actions and much of their performance has been completely without morals and for some monetary or power increasing privilege. There isn’t one member of the current Dem party that is worth their position in our government.

    • agree 100% biden needs to leave the white house now cant wait until 2025? the guy is losing it. doesnt even know what thehell he is talking about? get him out now. we need trump to come in as soon as possible.joe is gone mentally needs to get out now before we have a war with other countries?

  4. The democrat Party has been working to destroy the USA for a long time now. This is just another way. But do those billionaire Democrats and their Globalist backers believe they’ll still be wealthy after the US is gone?? Their massive piles of dollars won’t be worth the paper they’re printed on. Not only that but the global economy will tank too. The survivors of any major world war will be as broke as the peasants are.

    But, they will rule the rubble!

    • i remember demorats always wants wars. republicans always wanted peace with other countries, dont trust joe biden this minute he needsto go now?we need trump before joe leaves because we will have a war?god help us.

  5. The cockroach in office would like nothing better than to start World War III, which shows his mentality as an insane person or maybe a mentally ill child I think Donald Trump would put it into it for sure. My vote is on Donald Trump to stop this mad nut man from doing harm to the world, the free world, the good world people like him should be in prison for the rest of their life. Anyway, maybe his whole family should join him. I think they’re all corrupt to the core and it probably runs it. A lot of the government people that are employed we are With evil people

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