John Fetterman and Chuck Schumer were at each other’s throats over this one word

The Democrat Party has been in disarray longer than anyone realized. It’s chaos on the Left. And John Fetterman and Chuck Schumer were at each other’s throats over this one word. The truth about Joe [...]


  1. Fetterman is a force to be reckoned with. Remember to keep your friends close and your enemies closer!!
    Don’t trust him!

    • When the Democratic leaders (quotes from Tulsi Gabbard)’require’ all to vote in lock-step, Fetterman may have been cornered; threatened. To his credit he didn’t ‘stay in the box’, and stood almost alone in support of border controls and support of Israel. Expected attacks of his opinions followed. Common sense issues require debate, the very description of ‘politics’, and compromise. Our politicians who won’t debate or show independent thinking, as our founding fathers intended, create divisive issues for their own profit. I would never vote for a partisan hacks like Schumer, Waters, or Nadler, et/al. I don’t credit most democrats with the independence Mr. Fetterman shows.

  2. As far as I have heard, Fetterman has never worked a “ real” job his whole life! He lived off his parents until he got elected to office. He is a professional “ slacker”!

    • Never had a job & always supported by his parents but becomes a U S Senator?? How? Even the voters don’t have a full deck for brains!!

      • Bernie Sanders never had a real job in his life either and yet still got elected to Congress and became a millionaire.

        I’ve had many jobs during my long life but am just squeaking by now.

        I guess I did it all wrong, eh?

    • Fetterman wasn’t elected. His parents were friends with Gov. Wolf and he was appointed ! I live in Philly and never really heard anything about him until he ran for Senate against McCormick. He now knows that his seat is up for re election next year and now he is trying to side with republicans (MAGA) to only attempt to gain votes in Pa. He’s now realizing that Pa. voted “TRUMP” and is more red than anytime in Pa. history!!

    • Same can be said about other democrats politicians! Especially Bernie Sander, and Liz Cheney, Elizabeth Warren!

  3. For a minute Fetterman had me fooled. Did he really want a campaign between Joe and Donald? I really don’t think so, you see its not 2020, and the pandemic, and the RNC was prepared for the antics of the dims, and no way would Biden beat Trump, he would have been worse than Kamala, IMO

  4. Fetterman was correct about the spine comment but in typical Democrat fashion he bowed down tucked his tail between his legs and went off to pout, he’s even more useless than his co-horts, he has never had a job he has lived off mommy and pops and now the US Taxpayers!!

    • What’s the over/under in year’s time for Fetterman to announce his intention to run for president in 2028? Remember this posting when he does it. Remember you read it here first!

      • Yea, Picture that one ! Meeting world leaders in his Shorts, Sneakers and Hoody ! BIGGEST EMBARRASSMENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY AFTER JOE !!!

  5. As far as I’m concerned the collusion by the democratic party to continue to support their elected president once it was deemed he “was not mentally capable of being prosecuted” they should have been done. No one elected Dr. Jill to run the country. This should be considered both treason and sedition. Any democrat involved with this charade should be prosecuted.

  6. I didn’t care for fetterman at first, I wasn’t sure he could do the job after his CVA. He repeated and slurred words but has since improved. He seems to be on the side that is right for America, not what his party portends. He is definitely moderate, not the far left as his party wants him to be.

  7. Name one democrats politicians that is honest? I wait! Sure there GOP who full of themselves. But just remember that DC is control by the Deep State and the GLOBALISM! Bottom line people like Schumer and Pelosi will always force you to fall in line with the party! There no independent thinking in either party! Not every STATE has needs for same reasons!

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