John Kennedy blew the whistle on the sneaky trick Democrats tried to pull on Donald Trump

  The Democrat Party is beginning to organize its resistance to Donald Trump. As usual, the left has no intention of fighting fair. And John Kennedy blew the whistle on the sneaky trick Democrats tried [...]


  1. The party is over for the democraps. How do they defend this blantant spending, while the party was trying to ruin Trump, they diverted their eyes off the price and the knew that if he got in they would be found out. The Party is over.

    • Obama ran on the same exact item when he was running the first time, and Biden was right there with him. They have no right to be attacking the president or Musk. They ate done, and I hope they find out who’s pockets the money is going into, and they prosecute them.

  2. So, once AGAIN, This two-faced site is blocking my comments for NO REASON THAT I CAN FATHOM!!

    Freedom of Speech? LOLOLOL!! NOT here!

  3. Trump said he would cut spending that was corrupt and by working with Musk they are on target . Thank You !!!!!!!

  4. Why are the Democrats so up in arms about this because we need to find out what is happening with the American taxpayers money because they’re scared they know that they are guilty of stealing money from the American people and now they finally getting caught that’s why they’re trying to stop this investigation from moving ahead the Democrats are criminals and they need to be completely taken out of politics. Because they know that they are going to be exposed for stealing the American taxpayers money if they want to spend wasteful money on their pet projects and let it come out of their pockets or their personal bank accounts or get their corrupt Money Bank George Soros to pay for the Democrats corrupt organization USAID and leave the American people’s money the hell alone because it does not belong to you it belongs to the American taxpayers

  5. Thank you Trump, I believe in Almighty God is using you to fix what the enemy been trying to destroying America. Bless you.

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