Kamala Harris has one ace in the hole that will leave Trump red with rage

Kamala Harris has the entire Democrat Party united behind her. But that’s not all she has going for her. And Kamala Harris has one ace in the hole that will leave Trump red with rage. [...]


  1. It is unclear to me, from reading this article. Someone please clarify to me which ace does ca-MAL-ah have in her hole.

    • SOOOOO—–what is her “ACE IN THE HOLE” – and in WHOSE “hand” IS it????Citizens of our USA have a the “Ace in the HOLE” unless we are too stupid and uncaring to give a hoot!!!

    • Guess her “ACE” is she has the LameStreamMisleadia FAKE NEWS LIARS in her pocket… up her ass… or up some other hole…
      NYTimes is all lies… as usual…
      Liar KamalToe, like Liar Obummer, would do the OPPOSITE of everything she claims to be running on!
      So, being allowed to totally lie, is another “ace”…

    • WHERE ARE THE POLITICIANS: to state FACTS: kamala’s parents were NOT naturalized in time to “produce US citizens” … i.e. kamala & her fake sister!!!! FACT: read the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It is depressing that so many of the public is so ill informed that they may vote for the 2 losers to run our country into the ground and very sad.

    Let’s pray the press no longer supports these losers as they are part of this great country and will have to live with what they created.

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