Kamala Harris is planning this terrible October surprise to defeat Donald Trump

The only thing that unites the current Democrat Party coalition is hating Donald Trump. Democrats will excuse anything if it means keeping him out of the White House. And Kamala Harris is planning this terrible [...]


  1. If Kamala allows Ukraine to overstep the original agreement of not
    Directly attacking Russia inside their borders then Congress must
    hold her accountable for starting a war without congressional authorization. She will forever be known as Kamala Chamberlain.
    Starting a world war based on politics is as wrong as George Bush blaming Iraq for 9/11.

  2. democrats know that democrats lie and Americans die as they destroy America for china and iran and russia, so any vote for any democrat is a vote to turn America into a 3rd world nation of slaves for china and iran and russia. period

    • AMEN Graceythecat!!
      Our young men and women go off to fight in multiple wars..and how are they treated, when they return??? Illegals have more benefits than our American Heroes, the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guard!!! IT’S AN ABOMINATION!!!!!!!!

  3. Only fool will fall for this! Harris was not elected president by the people. She has no power to do anything. She a VICE president who still is til BIDEN IS REMOVED BYVTHE 25TH AMENDMENT! Only the democrats politicians and media can bring up some kind of bullshit given her power.

  4. It’s going to blow up in their faces and lead to an attack here in the US which will turn even more against them.

    • Your statement might be right. But once we are attacked…its too late. First Biden/Harris have reduced our military to reduced woke madness. They Navy has already started having to dock ships. And if they are under man, just think how under man the army is.
      This happens, bend over kiss your ass good bye.

      • The US has more than enough people to defend itself on our land, but the more and more innocent lives wasted by over reach of governments all in the name of democracy has to stop…we are the USA, we don’t need to stick our noses in others problems when we have plenty to deal from within as it is….if it gets to attacking us, those in high places will thank us for keeping them safe even though they keep trying to do more gin contol

  5. Stop this evil Jezebel now ! Why do Americans never think ? These people are just stupid elected morons being led by those who are not even Americans or elected. The swamp . America was created differently. A fact they made sure half our population never knew. We have no king or queen or dictators or rulers or parliamentary government. And not one stupid politician has the authority to bring down this kind of hell upon legal Americans. Wake up ! This regime is giving illegals money and protection to buy weapons to kill us with . What kind of stupid are people who let people who have positions of authority over them who are not even one of them.? Or they put those whose mental abilities are in question in those positions. America democrats and rinos !!! I for one am tired of foreigners holding office like illegals do in California. Look at how many they are and how deep into a state and country they are to destroy the people of that state and country. Muslims and any foreigner has no right to vote or even be in those positions over Americans. Unless they are legalized with documentation of which it’s means they have to take a course in our laws and rules to become. And over $16,000 . Our Nazi Government gives them money and the entire country. To be here. Think about that picture !!!! Only fools vote for other fools. God says you are a fool if you deny him . And every democrat denies The God of Heaven .
    This person Kamala is not legal to be VP much less
    President. Democrats seem to believe its
    Ok for them to break our laws And republicans
    Let them get by with it
    Ted Cruz had to prove he was a legal American . Our law says you must have at least one natural born American citizen parent to be VP or President . She has neither . And she like Jezebel Clinton. Play act the part of what ever group she appears with. Blacks she sounds like blacks . Southern She sounds like southern etc.
    After nearly vomiting on myself watching that white old lady cry to this illegal to save this country .After Kamala who is half responsible for our current destruction. I wondered what that foolish stupid white woman will do when Kamala who hates white people and says it a lot. Will do when that foolish old lady is relieved of her life By this evil being . That already has plans for all white people

  6. Escalating a war with a nuclear power that has the most nukes in the world is lunacy. And what’s worse it doing it for political reasons, which is what it seems kamala would be doing. The idea of trying to force a regime change in Russia goes beyond what is reasonably possible. The risk of nuclear war isn’t worth it, even if there might be a one in a thousand chance Putin could be removed. Kamala is no statesman nor experienced negotiator, but merely a puppet for Obama and whomever else is pulling the strings. Giving her full reign over how Ukraine proceeds is reckless and stupid.

  7. If she thinks Americans are reluctant to change a president during a war. She is seriously mistaken. If her actions are the cause of any war being escalated she is finished. You just can’t fix stupid.

  8. That just shows you that Biden hasn’t been in charge for years. The vice president doesn’t have the authority or power to declare war or to increase military power on her own terms unless the president is not in power. The congress needs to derail her power and impeach her.

  9. Obama was terrible at negotiating with foreign players. They laughed at him for what he wanted to do. Cameltoe is even worse. She doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing or talking about.

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