Kamala Harris’ jaw hit the floor when she saw this post-debate poll

The media hailed the debate with Donald Trump as a great victory for Kamala Harris. But was it? And Kamala Harris’ jaw hit the floor when she saw this post-debate poll. Polls showing Kamala Harris [...]


    • Absolutely NOT….Our Postal Service Union just endorsed “I don’t know how to answer any question asked without going around the world’, trying to sound like an underprivileged person (oh give me a flipping break). I’d like to know how the postal department can endorse anyone. The dems will die lying…D

  1. This Debate was obviously a 3 on 1 challenge and President Trump knew what was coming and in my opinion let them get to him. They have this thing these days called Zoom and I believe Krookedamala and the DemonRat ABC ADVISORY MODERATORS were doing mock Pre-debate practice sessions in the order the questions were to be asked in the live debate using ZOOM starting when she first arrived in Pennsylvania. The press already said she had a Trump actor doing mocked sessions leading up to the debate. The part they (press) left out was ABC crooked ass participation in the illegal sessions. Anyone that’s been following Kookamala knows she had some serious help to make it thru that 90 mins debate. They all (3) successfully poked the bear and his responses affected the perception BUT the content of president Trumps policies still MADE HIM THE VICTOR!!!!!! Bring someone with you to the polls TRUMP/VANCE 2024 *****

  2. This Debate was obviously a 3 on 1 challenge and President Trump knew what was coming and in my opinion let them get to him. They have this thing these days called Zoom and I believe Krookedamala and the DemonRat ABC ADVISORY MODERATORS were doing mock Pre-debate practice sessions in the order the questions were to be asked in the live debate using ZOOM starting when she first arrived in Pennsylvania. The press already said she had a Trump actor doing mocked sessions leading up to the debate. The part they (press) left out was ABC crooked ass participation in the illegal sessions. Anyone that’s been following Kookamala knows she had some serious help to make it thru that 90 mins debate. They all (3) successfully poked the bear and his responses affected the perception BUT the content of president Trumps policies still MADE HIM THE VICTOR!!!!!! Bring someone with you to the polls TRUMP/VANCE 2024 *****

  3. When talking about the polls they keep referring to past history this or that is the result but this election and the weaponizing the DOJ FBI CIA capitol police secret services the military against the American people has never happened on the level we are currently facing and the fact that mainstream media has been completely compromised they have also been weapoized against the American people we have never faced the communist far left democratic cancer has infiltrated our government from the president of the United States to school board member and they are in control of the Media we are literally on the brink of civil war because the communist democrats are not going to stop I believe they have already in place a plan to steal another election because they can’t afford to loose if they do they know it will never have another chance to take control of America like they have now that’s why they will not stop they have infiltrated every major law enforcement and military agency that’s in place to protect us it is so wide spread where people are more afraid of the police than they are of the criminal I won’t call them I’ll take care of any problem that may arise clean up the mess and bury everything some where in the north 40 back to my point if they do follow thru and still the election we will be at war because we will have no choice the people have had to step up and do whatever is necessary to put our country back on the path of libeety and freedom we can not sustain this path of intentional self destruction the communist democrats have us on now and I will never bow before no man there is only one God and it’s not the government America is only successful if God is the foundation we are built upon and our Christian principles contained in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is our instructions on how to have a successful Republic and God is the source of what made America Great and no God no America and there is nothing they talk about less than God they want no part of God because history proves in the end God always wins

    • You preach it Fedup….Tell-em what you said again!!!!!!! Truth is Truth even if no one is speaking it…..Lies are Lies even if everyone are telling them!!!!!!!!!

  4. The overwhelming control of the media market by the communists means that well over 2/3 of the voters will only see the leftist propaganda. Until these rigged assaults presenting as debates are conducted on a conservative network, there will be no possibility of a conservative victory. This “our democracy” crap spouted by fools on both sides is what led to this situation.

  5. The Harris and democrates transformational paradigm shows that they want government slavery by using the scientific elite to run the government.The republicans will win by a landslide to stop slavery again

  6. I have Replubican and Democrats friends. I ask of them what they thought of the debate. Both sides said it was like a circus and the animals were let loose to prove nothing of their qualifications how to improve this country. One person said they were disappointed in that this is the best they have to offer the American People. We need a change, a big younger change.

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