Kamala Harris’ jaw hit the floor when she saw this shocking poll

Kamala Harris’ honeymoon period is ending quicker than anyone expected. Democrats never expected this to happen so soon. And Kamala Harris’ jaw hit the floor when she saw this shocking poll. New poll shows Donald [...]


  1. no one in their right mind could vote democrat. They are the party of death. They are evil, against all of God’s teachings.

  2. Reality, the actual truth regarding Kamela’s leadership quality, or extreme lack thereof, being revealed now, and the real Kamela, after the falsely induced bounce, being exposed and settling in! That of the failure of false information’s influence, as it can no longer be set aside, covered up, or denied and in reality, was not unexpected by Kamela’s camp, though it is now most unsettling, having been realoized as wishful thinking, not real positive, progressive thought!

      • Common Sense
        In order to lower the price of a barrel of crude we must DRILL baby DRILL…..This will :

        1 Lower the INFLATION
        2 Bring the price of a barrel of crude to less than $ 30.00. Today it is around $ 80.00
        3 This difference is financing the Russian Ukrainian war,
        4 It also enables IRAN to support all the satellite terrorists groups
        5 Make more difficult for Iran to develop NUCLIER weapons
        6 Make the USA energy independent
        7 Export oil to our likeminded friends
        8 Use AI to lower manufactory cost and bring the jobs back from off-shore places like China
        9 Concentrate on the developing batteries that are safer and able to store larger amount of energy
        10 Registering to vote and voting with proof of US citizenship only
        11 Quit the World Health Organization (WHO)
        12 Stop supporting Sanctuary Cities
        13 Stop MALES partaking in women sports
        14 Return all ILLIGIALLY entered peoples to their home countries
        15 Strengthen and finish the border wall
        16 Use the English language only
        17 Purge voter databases of dead voters and illegals

  3. With all the factual information out there, the democrat’s quest for more power has been exposed. These people are either ignorant or stupid, or are the liars and cheats we think they are. The Fake News is paid to lie, and also needs to be exposed and held accountable. We have reached the tipping point, and need smart and business minded individuals to fix the problem.

    • The Fake, bias, leftist news propaganda machine is in full force. They are trying to hide and downplay cackling Kamala’s ignorance and stupidity. They are trying again to play the race card, knowing she’s totally incompetent and unqualified to be president of anything!!

  4. Biden and Harris have steam rolled this country into the laughing stock of the world. no other country is showing much faith in the USA

  5. Now Trumpand the Republicans need to tilt the ads against the democRatsin general.Make November 2024 a Republican (blue not commie red) wave.

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