Kamala Harris just confirmed one really bad story is 100 percent fact

Kamala Harris’ campaign is entering turbulent skies. It’s the first time since she got into the race that she’s faced a negative news cycle. And Kamala Harris just confirmed one really bad story is 100 [...]


      • This would only serve Kamala’s agenda for more exposure to lie and fudge the facts without any fact checking. Additionally they would give her the questions in advance and only ask friendly questions she could handle CNN is not a news facility it is an absolute Advocate for the Dems.So how could you possibly get a fair debate ,all that would happen is a looser would fantastic extra press and exposure. Bad news for Trump Also Remember in Hilary Clintons debates Donna Brazill gave her the questions how can an honest Politician compete with corruption like that. In fact you could see Hilary reading the answers to the questions she didn’t even have the class to memorize the answers.Discusting

    • Even more desperately fixed than usual! Also, another picture that proves deceptive KamalToe smears brown shiiite on her face trying to look newly brown/’black’, but her neck, chest, hands still totally WHITE !!!

      • Take a look at comparison photos of Barry Soetoro and a man named Muhammed Sabuh. They are like twins. Sabuh was the founder and leader of a cult that Stanley Ann Dunham belonged to. The cult originated in Indonesia and has it’s U.S. headquarters in Chicago. Coincidence? Sabuh is not of African descent. Many said during Barry’s terms in office that he used the tanning bed a lot and kept his hair short as not to show how straight it is – like Sabuh’s. There are photos of Barry in school with an afro – but a lot of white guys had afros in the 70’s. Just took a trip to the hair salon to get one.

    • I agree! It would not be a fair debate. We have got to vote for our freedom and right to live. If the Demonrats steal the election all and I mean all Americans whether you are Democrat or Republican will be killed. That is their plan. I will never forget what the fEMA person said in a public broadcast. “We will execute 70 to 80,000 people” then he said, “We will rescue 70 to 80,000 people.” That is a little scary if you think about it. Have you noticed they have all had a slip of the tongue in their plans?

    • EXACTLY!! She had her chance and failed. CNN will, if there is another debate as they always do, rig it in her favor. President Trump is doing exceedingly well, and his favorable numbers prove it. She is failing and her RECORDS from her time as DA, VP, especially as the BORDER CZAR and now are PROOF would be more DESTRUCTIVE as president.

  1. I bleed red and I don’t believe ANYTHING or any POLL or MEDIA release from ANY affiliated DEMONCRAP!!!!!
    I am sick of the lying, cheating, deception, and the stinch coming from the pits of their final resting place stinking up our great nation!!!! God bless America and rid your people/government positions of these tyrant’s who are working overtime to destroy what you have anointed. Enough is Enough Lord and I thank you for hearing and answering this prayer!!!!!!! 20 days until redemption *********

    • OH, I’m praying this prayer with you, RC. Although a ‘CNN’ town hall meeting might give Trump more ‘free PR’. He knows a ‘set up’ when he sees one. CNN media outlet is definitely one that bias towards Trump, and he knows it. But I think he could ‘dance’ around their idiot questions and give the nation some common sense answers to his agenda for American. Keep in mind, he doesn’t have to be doing any of this stuff. This for the country, not some ‘pay check’ he doesn’t need anyway.

  2. Hey jenny, what happened to your boss declining the Fox News debate in September before mail-in votes were being mailed? Oh that’s right, she needed to have the MSM home field advantage. That’s why she couldn’t take her act on the road without a teleprompter.
    32 days? That’s it?

  3. Trump should do another town hall ONLY if it’s on Fox or some other fair network. NO MORE CNN nor ABC! These people are SHARKS whose only purpose is to do fake “fact-checks” on Trump while doing NOTHING to make Kamala answer hard questions. Trump doesn’t need another debate, nor does he need to have fake media try to eradicate him while working on behalf of Kamala because she can’t win an honest debate or election. NO MORE 2020 fraudulent election!!

    • 1000% True. Harris cowered out of a FoxNews debate once already, and she would have the advantage of having the questions given to her ahead of the debate if there was to be one on CNN or MSNBC. She would get drilled by Fox News and that is what she is trying to avoid.

      • You are correct. It shocked me Harris actually agreed to go on Fox with Brett Baier. And….. yes she got drilled.When you have to actually answer hard questions , don’t have the host channel attacking your opponinate for you and then asking you softball questions it’s much tougher.

  4. the fat lady has started to sing. everyone but KA MA LA can hear her. give up witch. you havent a prayer. and what is with giving business loans to BLACK MEN ONLY THAT THEY DONT HAVE TO REPAY? isnt that buying votes? it sure looks like it. and blatant RACISM ALSO. had a white politician done this, all hell would MELT.

  5. Anything that CNN does with a Republican candidate is questionable. I don’t trust them to be honest or trustworthy with their sources or questions. And after watching how badly Camaltoe did trying to answer questions from Brett Baier and failing miserably between her lies, trying to blame Trump for everything or just not answering the question. She had the same earrings on that she had on at the debate. Being fed answers again?

  6. Trump shouldn’t go on CBS either because we know that they edit the interview answers the way they want the answer to be. And Camaltoe showed up to the Fox interview 15 minutes late, her people changed her amount of time from 30 to maybe 20 minutes and then when she started loosing it they yanked her out.

  7. fact is, democrats hate America and are destroying America for china and iran and russia and all the illegal criminal border insurgents, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America. period!

  8. Bimbo is artful at word salads. She says nothing when she stops. Has no clue how to do anything, except get laid by willie brown and murder 13 in Afghan, ignore, laugh about it. Why will the real media not hammmmererer her on this???? Willie Brown hammered her!!!!! FKH, willie brown did.

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