Kamala Harris revealed this horrible plan to ban hamburgers in America

Kamala Harris is finally starting to roll out her policy agenda. It’s even worse than anyone thought. And Kamala Harris revealed this horrible plan to ban hamburgers in America. Kamala Harris proposes Soviet-style price controls [...]


  1. Surprise, Surprise, surprise. Have you noticed how many herds of cattle, flocks of chickens, etc. have been destroyed because of fires, bird flu, meat processing facilities being destroyed, farmers/ranchers unable to pay the high cost of food to feed animals, farmland being confiscated, seems to be all connected to CLIMATE CHANGE BS. Our food shortage seems to be a manufactured crisis–AND, it’s worldwide. After attending one of his overseas meetings our President did answer a journalist question that “Did they discuss a coming food shortage?” He replied “YES, and it’s going to be really bad, real bad?” I did watch it on TV so the show is recorded, I’m sure. That was in the Spring of 2021 or 2022. Wouldn’t you think at least one or two leaders at this meeting (G7/G20/WEF/NATO) would have been working to make sure this didn’t happen??? I am sure my husband and I weren’t the only ones to have seen this news clip!! I couldn’t imagine it would ever come to pass, however, you need to read the labels on the foods you buy, especially those that supposedly contain beef, chicken, pork. “Contains a bioengineered food?” Doesn’t list what but doesn’t list the meat so you can guess what it is? Shouldn’t have to guess. Folks we have been duped BIG TIME, by our present administration. Think it’s probably too late to do much about it. It’s already bad in some countries, and it’s going to get really bad, really quick here.

    • I did learn that manufactured meet had more salt & fat that we would be better off eating regular meat. This goes for plant based foods too.

    • I agree with you on all this happening with our food with the way food is labeled if it in there explain WHAT IT IS this bio engineered crap I want to know what it is. Some of these food makers like Kellogg, Pillsbury,McKee bakery can make anything that’s not Bio Engineered that’s just a few of the companies that does this I look at pkges if it’s in there I put it back

  2. Gee Democrats / Leftists!! Kamala wants to decide what you eat!

    What happened to my body my choice?
    You say that about abortion, but magically you claimed it did not apply to the covid vaccines. Doe sit not apply to what we eat as well?

  3. Hey!!! How does kamala screaming FREEDOM!!! fit with deciding what we get to eat? She was all for forcing injections of unsafe and ineffective covid treatments into us without our consent.

    Where did that my body my choice go?

    You leftists sure seem tobe stupid people.

      • I totally agree with you. The democrats have gone crazy. Harris has certainly proved that it, aand she is nuts. Not to discredit the nut growers, they are a ok.
        This is not the America I grew up in, so sad. No matter what we do corruption is always raising its head. I belive Harris is on top of that corruption. We will not see another election if Harris and the democrats get their way. Communists will rule. I pray Texas will cut away from the USA if this happens. Second thought, maybe all red states will leave.

  4. We keep trying to tell you that Kamala and old Joe were using the Putin book of controls. These real communists hiding under the leftwing democrat name only like power and money and anyway they can get it is ok to them. If they win in Nov, then in less than a year there will no longer be a United States as we real patroits will not have it and ceceed.

  5. Her ideas do not surprise me. Her father is a Marxist, she’s bypassing that and going straight to Communism! I wonder how long her presidency will last if she gets into office!!!! Hopefully, the AMERICAN public with brains will NOT vote her into office.

  6. So Harris and her American Democrat/COMMUNIST allies are determined to follow the Soviet Union down the same path of national destruction. The Russian people suffered through 70 years of boots on the neck Communism before screaming “enough”! Not that they really changed all that much!

    But the Democrats learned absolutely NOTHING from that and want to do the same economically STUPID things!

    By the way, if China wasn’t greedily feasting off what’s left of our national wealth they’d be in the same boat Russia was in.

    Yet American Auto(D) voters still cling to their Party Bosses already proved failures and wait for the Free Stuff that they’ll never get! Sorry Democrats, your Party Bosses gave it all to the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS they imported to vote Democrat and destroy the nation and YOU along with it!

  7. Still trying to understand the logic of reducing the population by opening the border to millions of invaders.

  8. I agree with you on all this happening with our food with the way food is labeled if it in there explain WHAT IT IS this bio engineered crap I want to know what it is. Some of these food makers like Kellogg, Pillsbury,McKee bakery can’t make anything that’s not Bio Engineered that’s just a few of the companies that does this I look at pkges if it’s in there I put it back

  9. They are just not trying to tell you what you can eat they are going to make what you like to eat go away, Harris is a big time lier and will destroy America if she gets in the white house . So know before you vote — a vote for democrats is a vote to finish off America as we know it. All those illegals Biden & Harris let in will rule our great country not the true American people. So please watch how you vote.

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