Kamala Harris walked into one trap that has all hell breaking loose

Kamala Harris keeps making mistake after mistake in the final weeks of the Presidential campaign. The latest blunder picked at a wound Democrats thought they covered over. And Kamala Harris walked into one trap that [...]


  1. Oh, c’mon! Everyone knows that Democrats are on BOTH sides of everything as is convenient to the moment.

    If it’s bad for the opposition then it’s good for them. If it’s good for the opposition then it’s bad for everyone.

    Oh, yeah, demand Trump get his marbles counted because of his age, but there’s nothing wrong with 80+ Joe if he can’t remember which State he is is at the moment!

    • Donald J Trump has been examined on July 13 in Butler PA, he came through an attempted assassination and has been on the campaign trail speaking to thousands and hundreds of thousands of Americans. Kamala sits in controlled interviews and comfortable prepared questions town hall meetings.

  2. It took the Democrats 3 1/2 years to admit what the world knew all along – that Joe Biden had mental issues. It took Nancy Pelosi – who lied straight to your face and said that she had never seen Biden more acute and at the top of his game – 3 1/2 years to admit that she DID tell the Capitol Police to stand down right before the J6 “insurrection”. There’s another question – why were the people destroying cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago turning over and burning police cars and government buildings called “peaceful protesters” and the J6 people called insurrectionist and rioters? That alone shows you how the MSM LIES and manipulates events to fit “Their” agendas.

    • Exactly. They have nothing but lies to campaign on. They’re greasy, corrupt, anti-American criminals. They’re going to get steamrolled in November. They won’t get away with their cheating this time. 🇺🇸🙏💟🇺🇸💟🇺🇸

  3. No matter how you slice it or dice it, Camela knew about Biden’s mental instability. She only covered for him so she wouldn’t be primaried with a good amount of time left before the elections. She knew that her chances to run for president would be gone because the democrats had been talking about replacing Joe with Gavin Newsome. And that would put her out of contention. Camela is not presidential worthy. Her aspirations and ambitions are greater than her intelligence. As she proved in the position of Vice President, she is dense. Every job assigned to her was a failure. Our country is heavy laden with the debt because all she knows what to do is spend tax dollars with her tie breaking vote. She doesn’t have the ability to reason out her yes votes. She couldn’t make sound decisions with foreign policy without a scripted monitor and the foreign leaders would have her lunch all the time. She doesn’t qualify as president. She wouldn’t even debate Trump on Fox News. She got all stirred up when she had her brief with Bair of FoxNews. Bair pushed her and she folded. She couldn’t come up with sound answers. Nobody who interviewed her on the biased networks ever gave her hard questions to answer, and they never dug deeper into the answer that she gave for the soft questions they asked.
    If Trump doesn’t win the election, America is doomed.

  4. I’m not in the US and so I’m about as impartial relative to elections there as anyone could be. Having said that, I am at a complete loss trying to explain why about half the US electorate has failed to see through Democrat deceit, incompetence, lies, manipulation, and outright scurrilous – and illegal- behaviour. I don’t get it. Is half the US electorate that stupid? That cognitively challenged that they are mentally incapable of impartially assessing the two candidates for president. Or is it a matter of mass formation psychosis – a term that applies to incongruous behavior of large numbers of people. Jonestown, where 1,200 people drank cyanide-laced Kool-Aid was an example of mass formation psychosis. All I can say is that that half of the population had better snap out of it, and soon, or risk loosing their country entirely. There is a way to power through this type of psychosis, one that those fixated on the Democrats are very unlikely to do. Create two colums: Product A and Product B – avoiding using the names ‘Trump’ or ‘Harris’, since the public has been subliminally programmed by the media to react negatively upon hearing the word ‘Trump’. Under each heading list the accomplishments of each. Things like – open borders. A border wall. Anyone entering the US can vote. Only US citizens can vote. Reduced inflation. Increased inflation. Benefitted the economy. Made the economy worse, and so on. Then tally the two columns and the decision who to elect should be staring you in the face.

    • Thank you. That was a very level-headed assessment. I believe there have been several generations of Americans who have been subjected to hardcore indoctrination within our school system and are still being indoctrinated by a marxist element that has infiltrated every aspect of our society, to the detriment of our freedom-loving, independent, Christian foundation of our founding fathers. By Christian, I refer to the tenets, the morals rather than the religion. Yes, it’s hard to grasp that there are so many who can’t see through the democrat party, but they may be unable to, due to the mind control. Things are looking good for Trump to win handily this time around. Pray for us. Pray for the planet. God bless you. 🇺🇸💟🙏🇺🇸💟🙏🇺🇸💟🙏🇺🇸💟🙏

  5. Tom & Mike — You’re Both 100% Right — Problem is — VP Harris IS WORSE THAN BIDEN! The DemocRats, Biden, and VP Harris have DONE NOTHING TO HELP AMERICA OR AMERICAN CITIZENS such as our own VETS! The ABANDONED AMERICAN CITIZENS AND GOT 13 VETS KILLED. The DemocRats and VP Harris have allowed and ignored the MAJOR ISSUE OF ILLEGALS, 0VER 21 to 25 MILLION! Costing Taxpayers over $150 Billions a Year! What about dear Hillary emails, Bill Clinton “I do not know that woman”, Obama giving MILLIONS of $$ to America’s Enemy. Or ignoring helping police in Ferguson, MO. Yet, when Trump was POTUS we didn’t have these problems or issues. I say it’s time to dump the swamps of DemocRats.

  6. I say that if these officials have committed crimes against (WE THE PEOPLE) then arrest them and prosecute too the fullest extent of our laws! What did Pelosi do in the house when then President Trump had his first STATE OF THE UNION where she TORE UP HIS DRAFT IN FRONT OF HOUSE REPS? Was that not the (WE THE PEOPLES) draft from President Trump? Is that not a crime against (WE THE PEOPLE)? If not it should be! And what about GOOD OLD Chuck Schumer? Did he not say “IF YOU MESSED WITH THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES THAT THEY HAVE 7DAYS TO SUNDAY TO GET YOU”?! If that’s not a crime it should be! President Trumps had two bona fide assassination attempts because of big mouth dem officials?! All in this administration of BIDEN AND HARRIS HAVE set up PRESIDENT TRUMP IN THE Mainstream media?! What about Anti-Maxine did she not say that she was going to “take him out”?! These are the officials who need to be investigated for their actions should they not?! I don’t think I will hold my breath for that to happen!! Have fun

  7. The woke liberal mentality is that of an insane cult which they are. The bitch Kamala is so incompetent which any mentally rational person should recognize as complete power grabbing agenda that hates America.

  8. Although Kamalalala lied about Biden’s cognitive condition and that was deceptive, dragging on and on about that is nothing more than a distraction!
    The “REAL” Problem she has is that she is a Piss Poor Candidate for any “Public Office” when she cannot even keep her stories straight because they
    are “Lies” She tells and they keep being changed to further her Agenda which I’m assuming nobody knows because she has no plan except to allow more Illegals into America to get “Votes” any way possible! An empty Suit without a Plan, “Fakin It in Hopes of Makin It” Remember, the “TRUTH NEVER CHANGES” but Kalamalalala “FLIP FLOPS” ALL OVER THE PLACE

  9. Of course Kamala knew…Jilly knew, Blankenship knew, Curly Sue knew. They ALL knew except Joey & he still doesn’t know. They all covered it up. Time to pay the Piper!!!

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