Kamala Harris was fuming when she heard why Greg Gutfeld accused her of stolen valor

Tim Walz has been in a stolen valor scandal since Kamala Harris selected him as a running mate. But stolen valor in the Democrat Party goes beyond him.  And Kamala Harris was fuming when she [...]


  1. Trump wasn’t “ambushed” at the debate! He knew, or should have known that the entire affair was rigged against him.

    The DemoCOMMIES have been breaking the rules at every opportunity to make ANY Republican look bad and ANY Democrat look like an all-knowing perfect saint!

    WAKE UP, GOP!! The Media is NOT on your side!

    • You are totally right and the yes answer about the bias of the A C media lap dogs Muir and Davis there is no way on God’s green earth that only 36% said yes and 65% said no and those that said no had to be deaf, dumb and blind or a lot of Demo dummies were paid to vote and say that the media was not biased.

    • This debate was so prejudicial I had to turn it off. Thee months ago Harris was invisible and now she’s running for President? What a country this is. We had NO choice who was going to run against President Trump. Since when do we not have a choice who we want to run? This stinks like a skunk and I’m pissed!

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