Kamala Harris will hate the grim news John Fetterman broke to her

Kamala Harris was on a hot streak. Her poll numbers rose as the media propaganda campaign reintroduced her to voters with a false veneer of her being a mythical political figure. But now Kamala Harris [...]


  1. Common Sense
    In order to lower the price of a barrel of crude we must DRILL baby DRILL…..This will :

    Lower the INFLATION
    Bring the price of a barrel of crude to less than $ 30.00. Today it is around $ 80.00
    This difference is financing the Russian Ukrainian war,
    It also enables IRAN to support all the satellite terrorists groups
    Make more difficult for Iran to develop NUCLIER weapons
    Make the USA energy independent
    Export oil to our likeminded friends
    Use AI to lower manufactory cost and bring the jobs back from off-shore places like China
    Concentrate on the developing batteries that are safer and able to store larger amount of energy
    Registering to vote and voting with proof of US citizenship only
    Quit thr World Health Organzation (WHO)
    Stop supporting Sanctuary Cities
    Stop MALES partaking in women sports
    Return all ILLIGIALLY entered peoples to their home countries
    Strengten and finish the border wall
    Use the English language only
    Purge voter databases of dead voters and illigals

  2. If she all that, why does she feel the need to steal Trumps ideas such as not taxing on tips? Or she steals his terms like fight fight fight. If the man is as bad as she claims why is he who she’s stealing ideas, statements and such from???

  3. Harris has already exposed herself on liberal media with her statements about what she wants for America. She stated her policies and she can’t take them back because people will see that she is after votes so she wants to now, to do things a moderate way. But she is a hypocrite and she would stay with her original policies. And those policies are extreme liberal policies. A leopard cannot change it’s spots and she owns what she said about the economy and social domestic policies. The democrats because of her votes to break ties are responsible for trillions of wasted spending. And she would continue to tax and spend regardless of her lies about wanting to cut taxes for the middle class. They already taxed the middle class in their term. She is a hypocritical liar and knows completely nothing about politics. She hasn’t even fixed the border and she wants to run America. NO WAY!! All her policies are extreme communist left!

    • Kamala Harris talks to people just like a frist grader,she has no plans whats so ever, she copies what What Donald Trump said.she said that she will increase 31% tax and cut down social security for retired people, and gave medicaid to all illegal immigrants.illegal immigrants have more rights than the veterans who serve this country.kamala is more concerned to the illegal immigrants than the veterans who served this country who needs help badly.

  4. Read Abraham Lincoln’s 1838 Lyceum address. He was like Nostradamos in predicting the fall of the United states of America due to internasl 5trife

  5. This election will doubtlessly prove once again that Democrats are merely Auto(D) voters and DO NOT vote based on the real issues.

    Democrats listen to the endless barrage of promises of Free Stuff that Democrat politicians spew. THEY DO NOT VOTE THE ISSUES!!

    Why? Because few of them actually know what those issues are! And the Democrat Party leadership loves it that way!

    • I hope my fellow Pennsylvanians will come thru so we can get back to a better place as it was 4 years ago. Nothing is better after 4 years! If so tell mecwhat.

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