Karine Jean-Pierre crossed one line that should never get crossed

Karine Jean-Pierre is one of the many Democrats whose brains are melting in the final days of the campaign. She and others on the Left will try anything to derail Donald Trump’s campaign. And Karine [...]


  1. John Kelly, sorry to hear about the death of your wife, oh right, she’s alive and well 😂 Gotta love Biden, who Kamala says is lucid as ever 🙄

    • Miz Jean-Pierre? She has always been fake. Fake name, everything fake, and her hair is fake too. She’s a wannabe just like Kamala. Biden is just senile.

    • No she’s a terrible white press sec. She rants and makes statements that are absolutely incorrect. The only person that died at your so called insurrection was a young women who was unarmed and shot by law enforcement. Where does jkp get her facts she’s about as smart as kh.

    • No. Miz Jean-Pierre should learn that she is not French and get a job where no one is looking at her. Pathetic woman or is she even that.

  2. What is so disgusting about the left’s accusations about J6 as being the first such insurrection at the Capital in our history is also A BOLD FACED LIE. About a decade after WWI about 100,000 veterans protested at the capital in much the same way because our government had not paid them their promised bonus for fighting in that war! There are images on the internet of that event at Alamy Stock Photo. It looks just like January 6th…DUH!

  3. Ya gotta feel a little bit sorry for KJP, she’s as dumb as a box of rocks and the mouthpiece for whatever radical conspiracy theory that is currently popular. She is like her boss a carbon copy of a human being, and not a particularly good copy at that.

  4. The simple historical TRUTH of the matter is that before Hitler turned Germany into a killing factory and uncontrolled war machine he DID a few things that helped Germany and its people recover from the complete defeat of WW1. That cannot be denied.

    That DOES NOT forgive him for the rest of his hate filled agenda that utterly destroyed most of Europe, murdered millions of Jews and others and led to the East-West stand off that followed.

    The BIG issue here is that by far most people today have about ZERO knowledge of history by design of the Democrat/Communist Party who uses that ignorance to help destroy the nation.

    ANYONE with a decent grasp of history can LAUGH at the DemoCommies. Unfortunately, few people today can.

    Hitler was a historical MONSTER that actually did a few things right for his people. THAT is historical FACT.

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