Karine Jean-Pierre flew into a rage when Peter Doocy asked her this hilarious question about Kamala Harris

Karine Jean-Pierre has had a rough time during her stint as White House Press Secretary. But Kamala Harris emerging as the Democrat Party’s Presidential nominee is creating even more headaches for her. And Karine Jean-Pierre [...]


    • Very soon she will be speaking broken Chinese, she will sell her soul to Satan in order to get dominion over the American people that she hates so much,the best thing is to pray that she goes back to India or Jamaica another accent over there

  1. One of many phonies and frauds occupying space in the White House. After the election we cam hire front end loaders too e the rocks so they can crawl back under unimpeded

  2. Cameleon is a good description of Hairass. A cameleon is a type of lizard and lizard is another synonym for skank. Perfect fit for her.

  3. ” They care about the economy, they care about lowering costs, they care about healthcare – that’s what Americans care about.” Wow, KJP. You actually told the truth. But Americans care about a politician who is trying to be someone she isn’t, so pay attention.

  4. ” They care about the economy, they care about lowering costs, they care about healthcare – that’s what Americans care about.”.

    YES, WE DO! And during the CRIMINAL Biden Regime the costs of EVERYTHING have risen almost 50% in many cases. All part of the Democrat/COMMUNIST plan to destroy the economy and the country from the inside.

    Oh, and remember! The “Border Czar”. Harris. Over 15 MILLION people walked unimpeded across our borders or been flown in at OUR expense during her term as border czar – someone to STOP illegal immigration. If THAT is a measure of DemoCommie efficiency than I shudder to think about what’s coming next!

    And how many DIVISIONS will the next illegal immigration consist of?

    Well, KJP? Answer THAT and feel free to use an accent of your choice.

  5. ” They care about the economy, they care about lowering costs, they care about healthcare” because policies of the Biden/Harris administration have made all of them unaffordable. We the voters have three and a half years of experience living with the effects of Bidenomics. Because we, the buying public, no longer have the capital above necessities to afford elective spending, we don’t buy. We don’t eat out. And the businesses that depend on our spending are going bankrupt. Is there a single soul who thinks, once elected, you would curtail the flood of illegal immigrants? Arrest Progressive overspending? You’ve had three and a half years to fix things.

    • Hell she offends me and I’m a white southern man. Detroitners outa really be pissed. KOBAMAla is the definition of “fake”. Wake up folks… please!

  6. This fake, phony, radical, liberal, progressive, marxist, liar, is unfit for the job. How can u go from the worst vp in American history, get promoted to the presidency, what are u crazy? She never got a vote, just planted there, by corrupt elites, and will pay the price for it. We aren’t going to let a marxist, and communist take over our corrupt government, which she is part of. We aren’t going for it.

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