Kellyanne Conway revealed she had this tough conversation with Donald Trump

Kellyanne Conway is one of Donald Trump’s most trusted advisors. Trump needed Conway’s counsel in the stretch run of the campaign. And Kellyanne Conway revealed she had this tough conversation with Donald Trump. Kellyanne Conway [...]


  1. I’m surprised that Kelly Anne isn’t already helping on the campaign. She’s very knowledgeable and down to earth.

  2. She shouldn’t be brought on and he would need alot less advice and deflection if he stopped talking off script. Once he starts rambling and he does this a majority of each time he talks,he looks like a seriously mentally unfit dipshit. Already bad enough when we hear him talk becausr he talks like a 4th grader. How one talks and words used and all is a huge insight into intelligence. Most of us know he hires a team who is making every decision for him through his entire life which is only reason he made it this far but often his ignorance comes out when he is upset and starts talking nonsense and ruins what the team has come up with. So they contend with the rambling nonsense and him lying nonstop for no reason except to further manipulate the dumber/slower of us and why? They would vote for him anyway. Luckily alot of our party have zero morals and seem to like criminals as long as they have the same views on most of the bigoted and supreme ignorance side of everything. He made himself look so bad having Loomer around too. Now its ok that we like people even if they are terrible humans,but lets stop the nonsense. We all know hes a scumbags and that’s ok if you still want to vote him in,whats not ok is pretending hes a christian,a good guy,etc. he isn’t,never was,never has been and he doesnt even like those of us voting for him. In fact he despises us but knows how easily many of the party are manipulated and it all makes him big money and thats all that he cares about. Tired of looking around my party and seeing the lies and people pretending all this stuff is true or isnt very clearly happening . Also lets stop reading our super biased mews online and elsewhere and believing it word for word and repeating it and looking really stupid. Its all lies on both aides hut they lie to our side the most and the worst and people dont research a bit just run with it. You make us all look retarded as hell. Just stop.Also,lets not pretend that he was a great or the bets president as i hear alot. Most of if not all of his economy was inherited from hos predecessor and everything he dod benefitted the rich and his pals,and he was there when the inflation began and had he been elected again would be in the same boat as Biden,maybe worse if he tariffs evrrything which will cripple us middle class and lower because we are who that gets passed on to. Campaign promises were never done and promising more this time we wont see and most is impossible to be done,and he filled the swamp worse when he came in instead of draining it. The hes a business man not politician thing is trash. Both filled with ego driven svum that will do anything to get more $ and if anything is a hinderance by not understanding how gov works which shows when he has ideas like the tariff everything nonsense. Wish he would stop faking his being religious the most because its so ignorant and obvious that hes not but.. makes him money and gets votes but only from other fake religious voters. Rest of us know better and vote for other reasons.Close to sitting my vote out on this election because of the civil war bs and stop the steal nonsense and all. Also how stupid everyone seems to be or pretends to be. Tired of being associated with people who are either trying to cause mayhem and death or are just too ignorant/stupid to know any better. We all need to collectively understand that we arent acting like oatriots. If we were we would be embracing the ideals the country was founded on instead of hating anyone who is different and you can tell yourself and everyone else thats not true but it is. Everything said and done since when Obama started running has shown who we are as a whole. Maybe some mixed in that arent but rest of the party says one thing and acts like another. But its oozing out of every word,action,comment,complaint,etc. A patriot would mean you align with the core values of the country and many of which are aligned but many of thr big ones like accepting everyone regardless of color,religion,and all are not liked or wanted which means we cant usr the word ptriot without being liars that just like what the word stands for and will use it regardless of knowing how fake they are. We have a ton of really dumb fake the funk thru everything types with our party. How many pretend to be with is on government benefits they depend on to survive? Do they really vote out way or just like us and pretend to be us? The south has a lot of heavily white supposedly republican/MAGA populaces that also lead in food stamp/welfare usage yet still act like one of us. How does that work exactly? See what i mean by fake? I cant see them voting against their only way to survive but there they are acting like they are in our side. Its all madness and just tired of the fake,the lies,and the ignorant dumbasses that are all around us and if you aren’t lying to yourself you know exactly what i mean. Unless you are one of them of course…

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