Laura Ingraham asked one question about Trump’s second term that had Democrats worried

Donald Trump has big plans he wants to accomplish over the next four years.  He’s ready to upend the system in Washington, D.C.  And Laura Ingraham asked one question about Trump’s second term that had [...]


  1. The US needs access to Greenland’s critical resources. How about a mineral lease for say 50 years of designated areas with requirement t0 pay a hefty percetange (say 20 %) of the value of the minerals taken. The revenue would likely exceed the total Greenland budget, plus provide new jobs, wealth etc.

  2. The United States has a Air Force base in Greenland named Thule. Greenland should be a member of NATO. It would be in the United States best interest if this were done since Greenland is under Denmarks control. This area is of vital interest along with the Panama Canal which Jimmy Carter gave away.

    • The Chinese have already invested heavily in Greenland, in western Canada, and in some of our northwestern states. Check it out. Thank God Trump knows what he’s doing. He sure learned the hard way, though. I now back him 100%!!

      • we need to stop the invasive reach of our enemies. they are in South America now building ports. obiden just took Cuba off the terrorist watch list. trump must add them back. Russian warships were in cubs this past summer. and I live about 290 miles from Cuba. that is a scary thought. we have a military that is full of gender misfits and they cant get enlistments due to it. we have a greatly diminished SPR thanks to biden. Greenland may be essential to our survival. trump is very smart to focus on it now.

  3. Laura Ingraham brings out one important point we can’t overlook. How are we gioing to rein in the Communist Mainstream Media? They are as serious, if not more, than China or Russia. The propaganda and brainwashing has to stop. This is not free speech, it is outright falsehoods. They are paid to lie.

    • In case you haven’t noticed, the corrupt MSM is losing its veracity and credibility. Many of their “journalists and reporters” are resigning or getting fired. There is talk of offers to buy CNN out. It will happen.

  4. I can’t understand why any true American wouldn’t want Greenland to become our 51st state with all it has to offer. Canada would also be a good choice but I don’t see either happening. That don’t mean it would stop us from having a mutual relationship with either or both!

  5. I’m all for President Trump making Greenland an offer of strategies to keep them safe and the US safe. Otherwise China and Russia will work together to our demise.

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