Laura Ingraham couldn’t believe this dark secret about Jill Biden

Americans are only now starting to learn the truth about the worst scandal in American history. Insiders are pulling back the curtain on the conspiracy to conceal Joe Biden’s cognitive decline from the public. And [...]



      • If doc Jill was running the country I wonder who was filling in for her when she was jetting off to the Olympics in France and back for Hunter’s court days every other day this past summer . Man I’m glad that circus sideshow is over!!!!!

  2. Absolute treason on Dr. Jill’s part. She needs to be prosecuted. No one in either party elected her. Anyone involved in this sedition, treasonous behavior needs to be prosecuted.

      • Why can’t democrats be held responsible for the cover up the Biden’s pulled on the American people? If it had been Trump they would be screaming it from the house would be the biggest scandal ever!!!

        • In a way, the democrats have been held responsible – which is the reason why President Trump won in the huge way that he did….people are not stupid. I recognized my own mother’s dementia in 2003…and I called out (to anyone who would listen) Joe’s dementia in 2020.

  3. Actually, this is not shocking news. Anybody with a brain knew this from the first day Biden took office. All you had to do was look and listen! As far as I’m concerned the main stream media was co-conspirator with Jill. Both need to be convicted of treason!

  4. Jill Biden failed as a wife both to Joe and this country. She knew back in 2020 that Joe was not capable of doing the POTUS job but ignored this and has added to the destruction of the USA.

    • Jill Biden was never smart enough to push Biden aside and run the country. Back in 2020 the dems knew that also. They also knew Biden was incapable of doing the job. Yeah Jill wanted the the title and fame so the dems rigged the election . Lets face it it was RIGGED 11 million more votes than in the 2024 election !!!! By doing that the dems behind the curtain could run the country and use Jill as the puppet master. That is also why they put in that KACKLING IDIOT, they knew they could control her. This way the dems could hold power in their effort to totally control the country and continue to acheive their desire of TOTAL CONTROL over all of us.
      Trump is a business man and a good one at that. He lives by the rule,, ” A happy customer will bring in two new customers, an unhappy customer will keep 6 customers from joining. ” Lets face it running this country is more business than than politics.
      The dems are pure politics,, they don’t dare about the customers. only themselves.

  5. I think it was when Bill Clinton got elected, Hilary proclaimed that we got a bargain as she would be helping Bill’s decisions, so we got a 2-for-1 in the White House. The term Billary was born!

  6. There should be an investigation into the pardons there is no way that he was with it enough to decide and sign all those pardons. There were never . Someone signed them all and it wasn’t Biden. Some of these pardons should be rechecked including Hunter and that whole Biden family. I hope this gets investigated. Also who’s, cocaine was in the White House.simple questions that need answers.

  7. Does this mean that all Biden’s actions are null and void? Like all the pardons he signed? All his E.O.’s he implemented since he wasn’t aware mentally of what he signed?

  8. Now we know why our nation is in such a disrepair! Also interestingly Jill did not get a pardon, neither did old Joe! Why can’t they be prosecuted for this hiding of Joe’s condition. Also I still want more info of the 2020.

  9. Why did you ask if Jill knew that her husband (Biden) WAS senile. It should be:
    Did Jill know Joe WAS/IS senile throughout his presidency?

  10. I don’t think that Biden is going to last long. She won’t want to stay with him in Delaware taking care of a feeble old man. She wants to travel and be in power but who cares about her or trusts her. She is as big a liar as her husband was and the rest of the Biden family. Look how screwed up the country is and I believe that she had a hand in this mess.

  11. How evil does a bee otch have to be to put her senile-demented husband on display for the entire world to see…him stuttering and stumbling trying to get an incoherent sentence out. She knew BEFORE he was elected in 2020 that he was incapable of fulfilling the requirements of the presidency, which is why she, and others, kept him buried in the basement during the election. How he can’t stop his bike without falling over, or walk UP a fight of stairs without falling, or how he trips over a sandbag on a stage because he’s not watching where he’s going, and his “seeing-eye-wife” isn’t in the immediate vicinity. How shakes hands with invisible people, greets people who have died, and can’t find which way to get off stage.
    At the VERY LEAST, she should be charged with elder abuse, and any federal crimes related to exercising power, control, and acting in a position she was not elected or appointed to. Absolutely evil.

  12. In other word . Every republican as well as Americans knew and could see he was not there before day one.
    Why did they help them destroy America and the legal citizens

  13. You would have to be a fool to believe she didn’t know! Makes me wonder if Biden pardoned her? If he did, I didn’t her her name mentioned.

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