Laura Ingraham said two words to J.D. Vance’s face that will drive Democrats up the wall

J.D. Vance has been under attack since the moment Donald Trump announced him as his running mate. He’s faced a relentless onslaught of personal attacks. But Laura Ingraham said two words to J.D. Vance’s face [...]


  1. I say no because I don’t think K can discern character failures. She doesn’t see her short-comings for sure. High alcohol levels can do that.

    • And as for the “Waltzing Clown” act, he’s just the final clown of the Democrat Circus ‘Car Full Of Clown’s’ car joke! The worst Democrat juggling act in a modern U.S. Presidential Election!!

      • They underestimated last time and had to stage coo to blame trump and kept going But they will dirty themselves again and take. Already started with what’s been put out.

    • It’s true, that intoxicating drinks can cause brawling and not able to stay the sound course. The mother of King Lemuel advised her son not to get drunk. Very wise Mom, huh?
      That’s why I think Moms should be the queen of her household and raise her little ones like King Lemuel’s Mom did. What do you think?

    • I don’t think the Dems. know their a b c’s
      That’s why our nation is in a mass!
      But we have a Lone Ranger coming to save our nation, soon!
      He knows how! He did it before and he’ll do it for us, again.
      Bring it on President Trump!!!

  2. Maybe someone can point out the redeeming qualities that Mr. Walz has. Minnesotan’s havent been able to find them and they have looked hard. It’s scary to think that we could have another four years of Biden philosophy, it,s obvious she cant think on her feet. SAD< SAD

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