Liz Cheney handed Donald Trump this gift that took everyone by surprise

Liz Cheney’s mission in life was denying Donald Trump a second term. Cheney failed. And Liz Cheney handed Donald Trump this gift that took everyone by surprise. Joe Biden continued to disgrace himself in the [...]


    • LIZ CHENEY, is a two-faced low-life and obviously has a problem with Mr Trump……that is why I do NOT, and never would trust anything she has to say against MR Trump

      • A true investigation into the J6 committee and the event should take place and let the chips fall were they might. Maybe a National disgrace is in order and no medal or pardon can save her from being Public Humiliated and shunned like a lingering fart.

    • The worst problem during President Biden”s four year reign is presenting the lack, missing and re-writing of facts and documentation, so the American people and the world can learn from these mistakes.

    • liz cheney is a disgrace to the republican party and to president donald j trump. she needs jail time .this women is a disgrace to therepublican party which she should never be a republican but a corrupt demorat. shame on you liz cheney .

        • Carolyn, I was there during Cheny’s time in office, and in hindsight, I’m not sure about the “honor”, many of our best and brightest were killed or maimed, and now “weapons of mass destruction was found’, just a thought. Liz takes anyone on who recalls the years of her dad.

  1. Liz Cheney, and every communist fascist racist satanic woke moron democrat in D.C. needs to be investigated, put in GITMO, and hung immediately after their military tribunal, for treasonous and unconstitutional acts against the American people!!!

  2. And now if the GOP had any balls they would kick her out of the Republican Party. Along with Adam Kinzinger and Mitch McConnell, minus the millions in his campaign fund. That belongs to the party since he accumulated being a Republican.

  3. Now if the GOP would just boot the Trump-haters out and work WITH him this time around, perhaps things will get done!

    Until that happens I will not donate another nickle to the GOP when they use OUR money to re-elect obvious RINOs like Cheney and Mitch the Switch among many others.

    Trump NEEDS help to fix this country and the GOP needs to clean up its act to do that!

  4. All of the Communists that have betrayed our country and it’s citizens, must, MUST, be prosecuted and condemned to the ultimate sentence for TREASON. Justice demands action, not words!! Our Republic was never meant to be a “democracy”, it is a Constitutional Republic, giving the people the power over government. We are the elites, they are the servants. Remember that.

    • There are still too many rinos in office. Gop must clean house. McConnell can’t leave soon enough! I loved Trumps do not hire list but that government advocate Mike what is his name, he is so forgetable, must be told to keep his fat mouth shut since he does not speak for this new administration.

      Guess he thinks 18 year olds is the age ukraine needs to go down to for the war to continue like that idea will make Trump go for keeping Ukraine in the war as a continuation of this sad done for nothing war. So very typical of the war mongers, they have to have those constant wars to keep the war machine well oiled. They need to put a muzzle on Mikey boy and keep his opinions off the air as they are so opposite of Trump’s views.

      Mikey needs a trip to the woodshed! I will make a paddle for Trump to use on him that he will love.

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