Mark Levin said six words to John Roberts that will stop you dead in your tracks
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts wants a fight with President Trump. Roberts is edging the country closer to a constitutional crisis And Mark Levin said six words to John Roberts that will stop you [...]
I said it before all judges are their to uphold the law of the land and the constitution if you don’t want to do that please step down as a judge you do not deserve to be a judge and you have dishoroned the Black Robe you wear
These small minded judges are the ones who will destroy America!! Lincoln stated America would be destroyed from within!! Here it comes in full force!! The HATE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS CURRENTLY IS THE REASON I CHANGED PARTY!! THEY’VE COMPLETELY LOST ALL SENSE OF DECENCY!!
This particular Chief Judge has proven himself to be an embarrassment.
I suspect Justice (ahem!) Roberts is being blackmailed. I’m not sure why, though. Could it be the “I Visited Lovely Epstein Island” bumper sticker, perhaps?
Impeach one judge, the rest will shut up
I’m of the idea of this being one way to throw caution to the wind and hopefully the incompetent judges get the idea
Empeach an Remove these invasive desturctive black robe wearing fascist leftist Communist. Then charge them with treason prosecute an imprison.
I wonder what would happen if Trump just continues doing what he thinks is right. Who would arrest the president? I am certain the military would agree with Trump. That being the case, he should simply go on getting rid of the criminals. He has the most important of all groups backing him- the American people.
These are the same people that are hollering about not voting for Elon Musk well we didn’t cast not one vote for these judges. They were appointed by Democratic presidents. The Republican judges didn’t roadblock Biden when he was doing all his shenanigans.
I agree with Mark Levine, he said it all.
Life, Liberty and Levin is by any measure “must see” television. He may shout a bit too much sometimes, but his words are powerful.
Rule of law. Let this play out in a highest court or have it referred back according to the rule of law. The President is co-equal at the worst and transcendent at best?
This no different than, Judges, and self appointed D.A.s and the like that held our President captive to court preceding, after being shot, nearly losing his life, and still they gag ordered him. Where’s the difference, since he is Our Commander in Chief??? We The People Elected our President, he told us exactly what he would impliment and sign, he’s doing it, so how dare they up-end his Presidency and leadership, he mor than fairly one!
I missed spelled my last sentence “President Donald. J. Trump is the 47th President he more than won, by a huge majority of American voters
This seems to be the trend. Everyone wants power. I am not surprised that John Roberts agrees with the other judges when it comes to who has the power. They are doing what they believe is necessary for the judiciary, which is unelected , to hold the ultimate power and authority over the USA.
I salute the Great Mark Levin in addressing this United States Constitutional crisis. We the People must hold these emboldened corrupt officials, Judges, Attorneys, etc., feet to the fire. The illegal Lawfare in this nation has been ripping apart our Justice System, condemning our United States Constitutional Rights, and Grand Slamming EVERYONE who disagrees with their illegal unlawful bias decision making in the public square and in the Court rooms across America, disregarding our United States Founding Fathers vision for America and for Freedom, Justice, and Liberty for all. The United States Constitution is “a government of the People, by the People, and for the People. Clearly stating that, ours is a government by the consent of the People, a government agreed to by the People through a written contract entitled a Constitution. We the People DO NOT AGREE to the violations that have occured under the watch of the former governance stance of SHREDDING OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION to fit the biases and illegal Lawfare provoking this Nation. It has been far too long that the elected officials and appointed officials, or hired officials have ignored the voice and will of We the People and have disgracefully challenged the opinions, will, and voices of the American People and wrecked havoc upon this nation in egregious ways, violating our Constitutional rights and thereby creating division, failure to protect the United States safety, and opened up opportunities for National Security risks, through negligence, dereliction of duty, bringing the masses into harms way, and inflicting harm upon the innocent and the weak, and the elderly. There is no excuse for these people to ruin this nation, target people who are responsible citizens upholding righteousness and the Rule of Law and Order. No excuse for invading people’s right to privacy, invading people’s homes, swatting law abiding citizens both officials and private law abiding citizens. no excuse for indefinite detention as punishment forever with no mercy intended. It is time to clean house! It is time to set the record straight! What is unconstitutional is not legitimate and ruthless, reckless Lawfare, totally unacceptable. This is NOT a Communist Nation. We are One Nation Under God and In God We Trust. We the People say, ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Thank you Mark Levin for bringing Truth to the table!
Roberts is SC and he is not in any way supposed to be siding one way or the other, nor is Barrett. Both are going too far when they have chosen the left to defend. Appointed judges are stepping out of line by pushing their Dem demands on to the president of this country. Far to long have the Dem’s controlled this country and it’s time for it to come to a halt. They are all being proven the stealers and traitors that they are, and are insane with hate, just like these better than thou judges think they are. Nothing but Dem trying to keep pushing for what they don’t have, to try and get all the control back. Run Trump down while they kissed the b*** of mental Biden and his vicious biting dogs.
You have no issue when they do what Trump says. You are a maga muppet.
You’re an idiot. Those judges are nothing more than left wing shills thinking they have the authority to rule. These idiot judges are being backed by anti Americans like Soros and obama. They are trying to impede the commander in chief to stop I’m from doing what’s right for this country. The majority voted him as president because they want what he promised. Trump should ignore these so called judges like biden did the Supreme Court.
I agree with Levin. Roberts needs to be impeached along with these radical judges.
Our Judicial system is in the tank with all the other Liberal Democrats. These Liberal Judges are overriding the President of these United States, who was elected not appointed. What happened to the equal separation of power between our three branches of our government? Mark Levin said it best in has above article. When two bit judges can override the President of the US we as a Republic are in deep trouble. Our forefathers never envisioned this type of power grab by the Judicial system when they framed the Constitution. When they talked about three equal branches of government, they were thinking of only the Supreme Court when it came to the Judicial Branch, and not hundreds of minor judges who can override the President of the United States. Judge Roberts and gang need to stop patronizing their follow Judges and like Levin stated, grow set or two and worry about our Democracy.
By rule the judge should be forced to recuse himself as his wife and daughter are both employed in jobs that are adversarial to the President. Anyone involved in a legal proceeding should expect impartiality; yet in this case the judge appears to be the plaintiff, while he ignores Article II of the Constitution that grants plenary powers to the President in matters of national security.
Levin is right about Roberts. In contentious issues the Chief Justice has shown a tendency to back away from meaningful decision. I think Roberts is a coward at his core.
Roberts advises against impeachment, because it takes the power from the judiciary and gives it to the people. I have long thought Roberts was a coward who seemingly wears panties. His decision regarding the affordable care act had no basis in law and was a real stretch to save it.
The primary function of the entire judicasl is to protect the individual citizen from the encroachment of government edicts. Each takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. That is their job, nothing else.
All the hard earned American dollars that are being spent overseas like in the UKRAINE, a good piece of it needs to refurbish ALCATRAZ to make it habitable again and then send these liberal UN AMERICAN insults to the American Judiciary to there for the rest of their lives. They are a HUGE disgrace and grave disappointment to the rest of the hard working law interpreting members of the court.
Thank you “Sharon” for your comment. It was 99% of my comments. We have a constitution that no other Country has that is how we Americans have been handed down to us by our constitutional representatives since 1776. We are prod Americans because of the rights that our constitution was written for us. The President is at the leadership of the three branches of our Government. No sub-judge under the Supreme Court can and will not superseded the President of the USA.