McDonald’s kicked off the New Year with one announcement that fans begged for

McDonald’s is the biggest fast-food chain in the country.  The company wanted to make one bad situation right with its loyal customers.  And McDonald’s kicked off the New Year with one announcement that fans begged [...]


  1. Not only are fast food prices too high, the quality of the food has diminished. If mcDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell and others want their customers back, lower the prices and make the food worth buying! For example, the Big Mac has decreased in size, more like the old quarter pounder, burger kings whopper is smaller as well. That is why I stopped eating at all three, I can make food cheaper at home! They should think about that!

  2. McDonald’s also got rid of the DEI bullshit. Now they need to bring back the old French Fries. They were great. Get rid of vegetable oil because it’s terrible for your body. Plus the taro fat had more flavor so you didn’t need large fries, small was perfect.

  3. Seniors like us cannot buy from the so called burger “cheap” restaurants. We use to buy from them. but today cost is a big consideration. We live on a very limited income. Please give us some larger burgers at a lower price, with low cost on fries as well.

  4. What about the human meat in a lot of fast food meals? McDonalds is one of the worse. I can’t even stand the thought of it. I haven’t eaten fast food for more than 2 yrs because of this, so I have no idea of the prices. Until I can be com0letely sure that stuff is out of their food, I will never eat fast food again!!!

  5. I stopped frequenting McDonalds wwhen I realized I could eat at a diner and get two eggs to my liking, two sausage links, home fried potatoes, toast, coffee and juice for only 60 cents more than just a hamburge, fries and a soda.

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