Meghan Markle faced one awful reality that left her with the worst feeling of her life

Meghan Markle hoped that 2025 would be the year her career flourished.  She’s already suffered significant setbacks.  And Meghan Markle faced one awful reality that left her with the worst feeling of her life.  Prince [...]


  1. I am sick to death hearing about Meghan. I am sick of hearing about Harry. I do not want to read anymore about him or her.

  2. They are has-beens who fail because they don’t want to work. Beg on their hands and knees and maybe the king will take them back or at least Harry and the kids. I wouldn’t leave any child with Megan.

    • I seriously question the status of their “children”, who bear little resemblance to either “parent”. For a couple with two small children, they seldom seem to be in the presence of those kids. Where exactly are they, and who’s taking care of them when the royal pain couple are out and about (which seems to be MOST of the time)? These kids appear to be little more than an accessory dragged out for the occasional photo-op to demonstrate how relatable the “family” really is. As far as we know, these could simply be kids borrowed for special occasions. But regardless, it’s pretty clear that these two narcissists are inept at parenting. No one who really cared about the safety and well-being of their children would choose to relocate to Southern California in this day and age – that was a move made strictly for financial gain.

  3. There’s nothing like losers who try to use their name recognition to achieve status. Both of these idiots have NO talent of their own, but thought they could milk the royal connection to continue their cushy lifestyle without any of those pesky royal responsibilities. The only “entertainment” they’ve provided at this point is tabloid fodder – they have nothing else to offer. This isn’t the U.K. where one’s class is even a thing. These two are not at all relatable to the common person – their “struggles” are a nauseating joke. Markle showed her true phoniness when she attempted to “comfort” victims of California’s recent fires while making sure her film crew was present to document her “humanity”. Who would do this other than the most egomaniacal opportunist? It’s a page right out of Oprah’s play book – I’m sure Markle spent some time studying film clips from the Maui performance. Any Americans who support these fools are themselves fools of the highest degree. The only thing royal about these two is that they remain a royal pain in the a**.

  4. Each and EVERY human being needs love and respect. Those who do NOT give respect to other human beings do not respect the Lord God who gave life to them. WAKE and and BE responsible as a person!!!!

    • One can erode the respect of their fellow man by their despicable actions. In this case, it was the royals themselves who started the ball rolling by their clear lack of respect for those around them. They’ve “revealed” things that were intended to bring harm to others purely for financial gain. To respect such individuals doesn’t make one responsible, but rather a fool. Is it possible for respect to be restored? Of course. But not without a clear acknowledgement of their mistakes and a true repentance for the harm they’ve caused. So far, these two have doubled down on their “victim” status, and taken no responsibility for their own problems. Perhaps your pious comments should be directed at these royal grifters, first and foremost.

  5. Both of them tried to live off their “status” in life and the position they were placed by other people. Then they both spit in the faces of everyone around them that actually work to create those positions.

    Let them BOTH join the REAL world with the rest of us!

  6. Who would waste their time watching anything that this brainless twerp has to say or do. She certainly doesn’t have anything to tell me. I didn’t pay attention to her when she was in Suits. Oh and was she asked to come back for their one night special. Uh, NOOOOO!!

  7. A polo documentary? Are you kidding? A show with celebrities cooking and playing like they are regular people? Huh?

    Who gives a crap about either of these two narcissistic grifters? They should just move to Portugal and take all their drama with them!

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