Megyn Kelly exposed the $500,000 payment that wrecked Kamala Harris

Americans are only now learning what a disaster Kamala Harris’ campaign was. The ugly truth makes it perfectly clear why Kamala Harris lost. And Megyn Kelly exposed the $500,000 payment that wrecked Kamala Harris. Kamala [...]


  1. Kamala Harris the cackling VP. Couldn’t tell the truth if she was standing on a stack of bibles. Also does everyone know when she is lying to the American people? Answer It’s when her lips are moving. LOL.

    • Can you imagine what she would have done as president. She is not only clueless, but one of the most corrupt and lying DEI VP ever. I cannot believe how stupid she is…

    • I would like to know who the 2% that said she ran a good campaign? How stupid must you be to believe that?
      1 billion dollars end up in the red 20 million and you think she ran a good campaign!!!! She got trounced.

  2. “All of that free money!!! What are we to do? Hey, let’s give it to Sharpton, he will know what to do with it!” 1 billion in assets and winds up 20 million in the hole. Not many deep thinkers there. Now it appears that she has bankrupted the democommunist party as well as the US Govt.

    • Sharpton’s IQ must only be around 35! He is corrupt with him not paying back taxes…why is he not charged. His ignorance is that of a DEI person.

  3. Who the fool now? Giving Al Sharpton the phony reverend 500k? Sharpton will only support himself and his wealth lifestyle. He has no business being heard! He just used the black race to benefit himself while not doing a thing for any of them.

    • Al Sharpton would look good behind prison walls, but he will get his just reward when he is dead his soul will be forever in the lake of fire.

    • Al Sharpton must have gotten his “Reverend” title from an on-line course or cereal box. He and most of Biden’s administration have broken our laws gotten away with no punishment. I’m hoping that their time in prison is coming soon.

  4. Can the electorate that voted for her, or donated to her campagn finally open their eyes, as to the falsity of Kamala’s actions and statements? Yet, me are the deplorables or the dumb folks.

  5. Harris ran on nothing but her ass cause her mouth always got in the way. How can anyone in a right mind vote for a dem-a-crap?. It’s hard to believe that a person can step into a voting place and vote Democrat — one can look see know what all the Democrats have done to are country and they still vote Democrat that’s mind blowing. Look what the poor people in California, Chicago, New York all places were a dem-o-crap is governor they living in hell states over run with crimes and gangs and stupid people at the top. So again how can you vote Democrat and how can you even say your a Democrat. This is mind blowing how some people or so braindead so brainwashed so stupid never be a Democrat they are the worse America destroyer’s in history. And I still say that Biden/Harris needs in prison for causing the worse illegal immigrants invasion in history of the world. They both committed treason to the United States of America and if we had honest justification they would be in prison.

  6. My guess is that a huge chunk of this money that was paid to these celebs will somehow find it’s way back to, guess who?? Kamala Harris. Anybody that saw Oprah’s reaction to being questioned about getting $1M for her endorsement can probably understand her outrage was overblown. She is no longer a king (or queen) maker as in the Obama days, and she is PO’d. I expect Kamala will get some kind of deal from Opie for a book, or TV show, and just by coincidence, the payment will be about $1M. My guess is The Rev Al will make some kind of kickback, too. Some of the other celebs will probably do the same, so she walks away with quite a little nest egg, and no crimes have been committed. Dems are dishonest, but not completely stupid.

  7. Dems spent 20 million on these entertainers to endorse Kamala Harris , and after they lost they owe 20 million to cover their losses ,KARMA is fantastic !

  8. I am just glad the Democrats lost it all, now President Trump and Congress can get all the Democrats f–k ups cleaned up and fixed. Everybody now knows Harris is a constant screw up,she can’t make a speech without someone else writing it for her.

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