Megyn Kelly got some bad news about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline

For years, the press covered up Joe Biden’s enfeebled mental state. The media only started to tell the truth after his abysmal debate performance. And Megyn Kelly got some bad news about Joe Biden’s cognitive [...]


  1. I think it’s despicable how the press is so one sided and covering for biden and harris. They will be the ultimate ruination of this country if they succeed. Somehow they should be held accountable for their lies and half truths.

  2. Electoral College is,in my opinion, undemocratic. Our country should work in a one-person, one vote manner. Electoral College ‘works’by undermining our true democracy. Each person’s vote should have equal weight. There is NO OTHER logical conclusion!!!! Electoral College changes the representation ofour votes in an UNDEMOCRATIC manner. NO OTHER CONCLUSION APPLIES!!!! (DO you plan to publish my NAME??????) – – that would be dishonorable!!!!!! We will see if you have honor!

    • Do you understand that would mean the big cities RULE the nation and the rural areas and small cities will NEVER have a say in national politics? The big cities are brainwashed liberals and will always vote for the party that might as well be run by the corporate media since they are the full time campaign arm of the party.

  3. Any system that weighs the vote of one person differently than that of another person is UNDEMOCRATIC! IF we are all to be given equal votes, no geographic feature in voting should apply – that is bias – possibly racial bias!!!!Or some sort of systemic bias!!!! democracy equals one person, one vote…..period! YOU may not, cannot come to any other conclusion!!

    • You mean ALL votes like those from Venezuela, Iraq, Kenya, Mexico, China and MILLIONS of others from people who ILLEGALLY came here and were handed voter ID cards by you Democrats?

      The founders of the nation also knew that the big cities would RULE the country without a Constitutional provision like the Electoral College. And who is it today who OWNS the Bic City vote through welfare and dozens of other Vote Buying schemes? Democrat/Communists.

      Fair elections? You Democrats will do anything to steal elections. Like IMPORT millions of voters to end the Electoral College and the blatantly OBVIOUS Election Fraud that infests this country now. That way your COMMUNIST Party Bosses can RULE the nation!

      Keep your Big Red Boots off the US Constitution. It works!

  4. ‘He admitted that the media coverage was “strategic” in election years’. What has this guy been smoking since 2016-the media, the BSC supporters who blindly follow their lead, and the elected swamp rats these guys are shilling for have ALL been peddling their blatantly biased garbage since DJT beat the pantsuits off their gal (and they couldn’t legitimately stop it). They have ALL been in this pitiful and desperate ‘strategic’ mode 24/7/365 ever since.

    LGB/LGK/LGAnybody they put on their ticket


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