Megyn Kelly left Bill Maher speechless with a truth bomb about the woke mob

Bill Maher is one of the few true liberals left in the Democrat Party. But even Maher wasn’t prepared for what just happened on his show. And Megyn Kelly left Bill Maher speechless with a [...]


  1. It is beyond ANHORRENT to perform these surgeries in CHILDREN!! IR IS THE WORSE FORM OF CHILD ABUSE and MUST BE STOPPED! If they as an adult – 18 years and above, it is on them if they are disappointed in the outcome. Any doctor that performs these surgeries on an adolescent, their MEDICAL LICENSE NEEDS TO BE REVOKED PERMANETLY,

    • I can’t believe these doctors performing these mutilation. They are violating their own hippocratic oath! They ALL need to lose their licenses permanently.

    • I agree completely. If their 18 it’s their right. Children no way. It’s sick just thinking that a child should even have a say. Their children.

  2. The Adults in the room,wonder how the 11% who think chopping off Joe’s penis at 8 is ok! Who are these 11% idiots?

  3. What i would like to see is the 11% who said it was a good idea to even allow they operations to continue to go under the knife. Let them head by example and see what they think afterwards when they can’t reattach what was cut off.

  4. How did Democrites descend from Birth Control to Slaughter Them in the Womb and Butcher Them After Birth?

    And how did Doctors devolve from “First, do no harm” to Slaughtering Them in the Womb and Butchering Them After Birth?

    How much lower can we go?

  5. It’s not the kids who are bonkers-it’s their parents and doctors. This is child abuse of the worst kind. Offenders should be in prison or a madhouse.

  6. I accidentally hit no but do NOT support transgender surgery. I believe this all became acceptable when OBama was being groomed for his presidency and during his 8 years. We are finding out how deviant individuals have conducted activities under the radar for years. Exploitation of children and vulnerable youth (male and female) appears to be rampant in a subculture that crosses all walks of life. What a slippery slope and it must be stopped. Most of us have no idea how rampant this issue is.

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