Megyn Kelly unearthed this disgusting fact about the Los Angeles fire chief

The wildfires consuming Los Angeles County are a disaster straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster. But the crisis is worse because of woke ideology. And Megyn Kelly unearthed this disgusting fact about the Los Angeles [...]


  1. Megan is right on this one, I believe LA is paying the price for bad policies. The state and city have put DEI above safety and security of the citizens of California. I lived in California for a number of years and loved the climate, terrain and the people. I hope voters will realize the importance of leadership and commitment to put the people first.

    • The sole purpose of the introduction and imposition upon America and elsewhere of DEI has been to keep populations divided so that the presumptuous, bigoted wealthy globalist elites can move forward, enabled by the diversion and conflict, with their diabolical agenda to establish a two-tiered New World Order over which they have absolute control and are sole beneficiaries of all prosperity and power to choose winners and losers according to their ideological determinations.

    • I ran from California in 1966 because of the smog and never looked back. Now after 60 years + Looking back I never missed the smog which they called then bridled sunshine. I must say I don’t enjoy rain or snow either but I put up with it. Why, you ask, because I learned to appreciate snow and rain. Yes, snow is cold and rain is wet but boy it gives a lot in return. Beautifull snow capped mountains and filled lakes with pure water and fish for the taking (with license of course). We also have beaches windy and oh so cold. But boy if that sunshine kisses us, we turn our faces to it and are grateful to God for all his blessings. Praying for Southern California.

  2. It’s very sad to see and hear that 60 Firefigter TRUCKS from OUTSIDE OF CALIFORNIA were stopped from entering Cali as they did not have the Emissions rerquired for Cali . it’s like biting the hand of your feeder.
    This is the reASON PEOPLE ARE RUNNING AWAY FROM cALI THE fire reminds me of the fire in hawaii . ARE THE POOR LEaving their burnt houses and waiting for big investers to grab up whole sub- divisions at a cheap price just like in Hawaii.
    Thjis is a BIG GAME GOING ON AND AN INVESTIGATION NEEDS TO BE DONE and the Governor and mayors have to be held ac countable put in jail or hanged. and the poor people paid for their loss.

    • Gavin Newsom is the one that runs California. His stupidity made the laws that turned the fire engines away to prevent the help offered by other States. May thunder and lightning hit his home. It is always the good folks that pay pied the piper.

    • It is no wonder that California is in debt big time! People like ignorant Bass hired the fire chief. Bass is so stupid, that she must figure that no on would know about her hiring her and then paying an outlandish salary to a DEI. Bass should be brought up on charges for her job that has and continues to be a total failure!

  3. As long as Californians vote Democrat this is the continuation of the spiral downwards. A beautiful state gone to ruins by woke leadership.

  4. I wonder how many city and county officials in LA county criticized those who leaving California for a better life? And I bet these wild fires have toured the tourism industry in LA in another direction as well. Here’s a travel tip for those who still want to go to LA… pack plenty of marshmallows!

  5. Well, it’s sad to say but The people in California that voted the democrats in deserve what they didn’t unfortunately The minority of us Have to put up with it also Sad It’s criminal. The people in charge Bass News news The fire chief of LA Need to be held accountable For $150,000,000,000Damage this fire has done maybe more God bless the people That are affected by this Next time for people .

  6. OMG!!! Just how stupid is this broad?! You don’t “fill” fire hydrants!!! Rjght wing stupidity is embarrassing!

    • Sorry but you’re wrong! They have fore hydrant reservoirs which need to be refilled to maintain PRESSURE.

  7. I agree with Meghan! That stupid “ B” needs to be fired now! Along with loser newSCUM and get people who care about the state and the people in office! California voters, STOP voting for the demonrats! By voting for these people, you are jeopardizing yourself and your families! Think for yourselves for once and DON’T bite democrat! God bless all residents who are suffering from this, and help them.

    • All Americans are suffering in every way possible in the last 4 years. North Carolina has inches of snow on the ground and more to come in days ahead but have to survive in tents! Some being thrown out of hotels with no where else to go ! Now California is tasting Biden’s help. Maybe this country should demand the same help Biden gives to Ukraine be given to North Carolina and then California before a dollar goes to Ukraine! It’s only fair. Why shouldn’t we Americans have the power to stop him??!!!

  8. The scary part is that she would leave men or even teenagers in the burning house because as she said “ they got themselves in that situation “. What about disabled or elderly men? Here if you want to be a woman firefighter you have to be able to carry the burden same as a man, no question, or you don’t get hired. But if CA gets any money from the government then it should be required that they have to show how every single dime is spent and all the stupid rules and regulations have to be changed. California is the most mismanaged corrupt state. Which is closely followed by New York.

  9. If they wouldn’t let those fire trucks in then I hope someone goes after that asshole NewScum and puts him in jail for being an absolute idiot and more concerned with bullshit lies of climate change than putting out the fires. Those firefighters should just leave but they should definitely make sure that everyone knows that NewScum sent them away. Let it burn down.

  10. This same exact thing happened in Hawaii when the elected officials put DEI over the people they were to represent. All these States with Sanctuary Cities with Diverse Governors and Mayors the people vote for who put DEI liberals with them woke agendas to stay true to their political party think they are saving the planet, when they are actually doing more harm. The problem there causing and saying Climate Change is the problem, when the real problem is pollution, they are the ones contributing to the problem, not trying to solve the problem and always blaming someone else.

  11. I was going on my walk, and I heard Megyn Kelly on her PODCAST and she said it like it was written without any cuts with everything she said. She also had some hosts along with what she was saying.

  12. If a person, no matter the gender, cannot pass the physical requirements of the particular job, that person should not be considered for that position. That is the bottom line.

  13. WTG, California! You voted and hired based on Democrat/Communist Checkboxes! HAPPY NOW?

    The warnings were screamed at you but you played the Liberal games instead of living in reality.

    Now your state is a burned out wreck that has but one direction to go with the leadership you so adamantly chose! DOWN.

    HAPPY NOW?????

    PS: The Democrats stole then spent all of your money on completely illegal programs. You can’t even BUY your way out of this kind of thing anymore!!

  14. Trump has guaranteed America that we will be back on a Merritt Based system starting immediately and that DEI and all of its destruction are done. Mentality’s such as this firechief possesses has no place among the intelligent and productive.

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