Megyn Kelly unleashed hell on this CNN host by revealing this huge personal flaw

Megyn Kelly had a bone to pick with a fellow media personality. She certainly didn’t mince any words. And Megyn Kelly destroyed this CNN host by revealing this huge personal flaw. Megyn Kelly rips CNN’s [...]


  1. CNN is washed up bias network that no one watches anymore. We the people are sick of there shit and done with them. Newsmax is a great news network

    • At one time, about 30-40 years ago, CNN had some respect. What happened? The left took over and it became a propaganda arm for the Democrats. That is when I tuned out completely! Their bias is SO OBVIOUS! They NEVER criticize Biden in any way. The disgraceful reporting and subsequent reaction about the Afghanistan withdrawal has to be the epitome of negligent and bias reporting! CBS, NBC and ABC are no better, but CNN has shown it’s incompetent reporting every single day, as I read about their reports from REAL journalists like Meghan Kelly.
      Best move she ever made was to have her OWN show, without unscrupulous management dictating to her what she can and cannot say. Thank you, Meghan, for calling out the MSM over and over again. People want that honesty, and they are simply tuning out those liberal cable networks by the millions!

  2. I have cut all ties with CNN, they are so biased against conservatives that I can not stand to watch, they can go pound sand as they never report the real truth about what we all need to hear.

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