Melania Trump just endorsed Kamala Harris with this bombshell video

Melania Trump took the political world by surprise. What she just did was the very definition of an October surprise. And Melania Trump just endorsed Kamala Harris with this bombshell video. Melania Trump’s pro-abortion video [...]


  1. But her stance on abortion does not make her supporting Kamala Harris,,,,,and if the Harris campaign is behind these videos of Melania then they need to be pulled in. She can still be supporting her husband, but disagree with him on some issues! It happens all the time. I myself have certain issues that my husband and I disagree upon! I hope Melanie notes this and will make an announcement that she still supports Donald in his bid for president, even though they disagree on women’s rights,,, again again I would like to say that women should not use abortion as birth control! If you don’t want to get pregnant, prevent it! I believe that if your child will not live, because of some defect,,or rape or incest, then yes you should be allowed to have an abortion,,very early in the pregnancy and it should be at your cost! Our tax dollars should not be used for a medical procedure you choose to have!

    • She has already stated that she fully supports her husband. How do we know this was really her making this video vs. AI?

      • She needed not come out during this campaign, I see where the fake media can use this as a hit against President Trump not being supported by his own wife!

      • As to Melania’s comment, I’m fairly sure it’s hers since it’s in her book. However, I disagree with her position. “My body my choice” ignores the fact that there are TWO bodies involved, the mother’s and the baby’s. The baby wants to live, feels pain, and is the victim of murder if an abortion takes place. Assuming the life of the mother is not an issue, the only defense of abortion is to assume the baby is merely a clump of cells, not a human. Whether or hot a baby can live on its own is a poor criteria for deciding whether it’s ethical to kill the baby.

    • Good point Kathy. Also, there is such a thing as CONTRACEPTION. If you don’t want a child, then use it, rather than resort to murder.

      • It’s just so sad Melania put this in her book…so disappointed…she was so quiet all these years…and she’s finally speaking..and this is what we get..the baby has its own heart…2 pple…it’s killing of the innocent..don’t look at her the same now… shameful 😭

  2. It’s amazing . How many people who are not Americans want American babies dead . Soros And Jezebel Clinton Along with Illegal Kamala .
    Trump and JD both are all in on the killing of Americans babies now . And as of this week they are now seeking the LBGT . Ya think hell is about to show itself in full bloom. Not one politician is against the things that God says will drop you into hell over .
    It Is as usual. All Americans have to choose from ! Is the lesser of two evils. It’s time that Americans wake up to the evil that sits in our government throughout all of America. Biden just told Americans that he was going to keep causing disasters and floods and fires . And Myorkas two weeks ago showed the document declaring that by the end of this year America must depopulated by 25% . It’s Americans ( not illegals) .
    What is it going to take for Americans to see democrats and republicans are about our deaths .

    • It reflects badly on Melania that she chooses now so categorically and openly to disagree with her husband. And to interpret the issue as only affecting the mother’s body ignores both her own responsibility to the child rights, and it’s individuality.

  3. All the pundits, religious leaders, politicians, professors, ignorant student demonstrations, tv shows hosts, news readers et al: wake up!! A baby comes about by the joining of man and woman sometimes she is ok with it, sometimes NOT. The woman is ultimately in charge in what happens to a baby should one be conceived. She is the one who will in many cases raise that baby thru thick and thin. Should she decide on abortion I agree with Kathy on the conditions, however, she and her doctor are the only two who should be involved in this decision. IMHO

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