Nancy Pelosi could get Donald Trump killed with this ugly demand

Nancy Pelosi hates Donald Trump. But she’s letting her personal feelings about Trump turn into something uglier. And Nancy Pelosi could get Donald Trump killed with this demand. Nancy Pelosi refuses to commit to more [...]


  1. Given the extreme biases against Trump, GOP governors should provide swat teams to increase security since the SS is incapable of fulfilling their duties to protect Trump!

    • I wonder how much Obama, as a former president gets for security while he’s meddling in the WH agenda and campaigning for not yet president Kamala. He’s like a permanent fixture (his 3rd, going on 4th term). Former President Trump should get the same protection that former president Obama is getting. Also, don’t forget that Biden is soon to be a former president – how much protection will he get? Kamala is not a president yet so how much does she get as VP when she’s campaigning? Protecting her in her campaigns should be as a candidate not as the VP. She is not working in the VP capacity when she’s campaigning. Not that she’s doing anything in the VP capacity either. Candidate Trump deserves as much security while campaigning as Candidate Kamala gets. The taxpayers want to know how our money is being spent on these politicians and candidates during the elections.

      • All this is being done because Obama black! These white democrats politicians do not want to be call a RACIST! But the biggest mistakes were those BLACK ORGANIZATION LEADERS WHO ARE RACISM! Now they want to protect a fool who had his RECORD SEALOFF FROM BEING INSPECTION. Democrats politicians are the EVIL ONES HURTING ALL RACES! Obama know who killed his Cook. LIKE the Clinton he got to keep it quiet! If the CONSTITUTION LAWS was to be follow by these DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS there would have been EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD of three president from the democrats party! And many politicians who VIOLATION THE CONSTITUTION LAWS TO INSTALLED OBAMA AN KENYA CITIZEN!

  2. Biden is almost brain dead anyway. He doesn’t go anywhere but the beach or the White House so he doesn’t need the extra security. No one even knows what he’s doing or where he’s at. Pelosi is a piece of trash. Has been and always will be. She needs to resign and leave decent people alone.

    • I agree more! We all know the reason she won’t resign or retire is INSIDE TRADING! Helping her husband steal money in investment! She not the only one! MCCONNELL need to go as well. He staying on to help CHINA! Remember his wife family business is CONTROL BY CHINA. Both of these should be out in the pasture with other LYING POLITICIANS FOOLS!

    • I will bet all 12 that made a fool out of themselves RETIRED! Except Schiff who always making a fool out of himself! He will try to hang on so he can’t be ARRESTED FOR FALSE ACTIONS AND STEALING MILLION FROM TAXPAYERS TO FUND THAT PHONY PELOSI IDEA! Impeachment was all on PELOSI AND SCHUMER, SCHIFF. THEY DESERVE TO BE FORCE TO PAY BACK THE MONEY FROM THEIR OWN PERSONAL ACCOUNT!

      • Yeah, insider tradimg; insider conspiracies/lawfare against Trump, ‘backdoor’ attempted assassinations; and now even the ‘shooter’s own letter of ‘bounty'($150,000) on his ‘target’ since he ‘missed’! And ‘Crocked Pelosi’ denies security for Trump, just because she fears him so much. By the way – do any of these ‘women of valor’ mind ‘men’ using their very restroom/locker room or participation in their sports? Inflicting grievous bodily harm without consequences? Would these ‘men’ actually be fully allowed to ‘expose themselves’ to fellow sports’ team members? What’s to prevent them from using the very facilities of the highly elite in public buildings? Truthfull – would Kamala, Nancy, OAC, MTG, Mrs. Walz; Gov.s of AZ, WI; oh yeah and NY(!), MA and others really allow ‘men’ IN THEIR ‘PLACES OF PRIVACY’? COME ON REALLY?

  3. I say take any security she has & give it to Trump.
    Fair is fair. She is FULL OF HATE. Pilosi is getting close to the end of her life,
    then she stands before Almighty God. God is either your judge or your lawyer. She is in for a huge surprise


  5. Nancy Pelosi is an ugly person inside and out. When Trump is back in office, it will be time to investigate how all these politicians became millionaires during their time in office. If we could, I think everyone in public office would be given a truth serum and then answer to the citizens who pay their salaries. There was a time when you paid with your life for treasonous acts, so maybe that should be brought back.

    • If Martha Stewart and average Americans can go to prison for insider trading, then so should Pelosi and all of her other crooked cohorts in Congress. They’re the ones making the laws; they need to follow them even more so. I believe insider trading is a felony and so about half of Congress should never be allowed to run for any govt position again, not on our dime.

    • Still is! It just democrats politicians do NOT HONOR THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! All due to there 300 plus politicians that should be EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD! The last three democrats president all have committed TREASONOUS AND SEDITION! And in those ARTICLES IT SAY PUNISHMENT IS DEATH PENALTY!

  6. What a piece of worthless crap she is. She wants Trump murdered and she and her demonic party will pay the price when they stand before the ultimate judge and Hell fire is waiting for all of them.

    • There not one democrats politicians that believe in JESUS CHRIST! Just like atheist fools who don’t believe. Because they have not seen JESUS CHRIST! Well honestly they don’t know how they got here either! Bible tell us JESUS KNEW THEM IN THEIR MOTHER WOMBS! So I believe they will hear these words from JESUS ON JUDGEMENTS DAY—-DEPART FROM ME, I DO NOT KNOW YOU! If they can’t understand what this mean. It talking about your SPIRITUAL BODY IS JUDGE BY JESUS CHRIST! After he spoke those words, it will rejoice the physical body and soul. Before heading into the LAKE OF FIRE! I believe that song will play call —BURN “MF” BURN! A popular song in the 90’s!

  7. She should arrested for threaten Trump she might be also if one of those phone calls on her phone she aressted cause she about the law

  8. If she is an appropriator as she says where is all the money going for Ukraine and palestin that’s what I like to know and how do you know what stocks and bonds to buy isn’t that insider trading?

  9. The SS has done such a great job so far you would think it would benefit Pelosi to leave them where they are. Of course her shooters have failed her twice. I said before – with the extreme bias of the SS all candidates should be given an option. Take the amount of money it cost to send and house an SS detail to an event and give the candiadte the option of taking the cash and hiring their own security detail or go with the SS. It took Nutty Nancy 3 1/2 years to admit that she told the Capitol Police to stand down before the J6 “insurrection”. I wonder how long it will take for her to explain why she had the Capitol Police guarding her San Francisco home while she was in D.C. to stand down right before her husband was attacked – by a man supposedly looking for her?

  10. Nancy Pelosi is an evil woman and she hates Trump and she blames him for every thing she can lay on him. It just makes her an old ugly hag who should go home close the door and stay the hell out of other people’s lives. Her and a lot of other democrat politicians I hear saying Trump should be shot — they need their asses in jail for that but their democrats so they will see know jail . It makes me sick how they break the law and nothing gets done about it. Like Biden/Harris both should be in jail for causing the most illegal invasion in the history of our country . And then Joe and his family of crooks sell of America to China and nothing gets done about it they don’t face prison like the innocent people got put in prison for doing nothing. I will never void for another dam democrat for anything not even shit house cleaner. My void this election will be to help my country not destroy it. I’m voting for Trump / Vance .

  11. Pelosi says we don’t have the money to do things like help defend Trump from Democrat assassins and doesn’t favor trying to find it.

    Strange though, that she and her fellow DemoCommies easily find hundreds of BILLIONS to fund CRIMINAL ILLEGAL INVADERS BEING BROUGHT IN BY THE MILLIONS.

    WHY aren’t Pelosi and her Communist allies already under arrest for TREASON and a dozen other serious offenses being used to destroy America from the inside?

    Do we even have “defenders” any more and whose side is the GOP on?

  12. Pelosi is the bigger traitor. It is a proven fact that Pelosi overthrew Biden’s presidency. She staged a coup to get the president removed. It is also a stated fact that Trump wanted more National Guard on Jan 6 at the Capitol. She refused to follow through with the request. Pelosi is a troublemaker and is controlled by satan himself to lead her to commit crimes. She got inside information when her husband sold stock before a sell off and the latest one also. She needs to be impeached!!

  13. Ridiculous. She wants to know where the money’s being spent before signing on. This coming from someone who voted to spend trillions without adequate oversight. Someone wo famously said “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it” Brainless twit

  14. Pelosi is the biggest Reason why there no money! Like other DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS all they do is wasteful spending. It not the taxpayers money that should be going to Ukraine or Iran! None should be going to PLANNED PARENTHOOD, OR ANY CORPORATE THAT GIVE MONEY TO DEMOCRAT PARTY! That not how the money was supposed to be used! Why not cut the funds to protect ex president who are nothing but a disgrace to the country! STOP PROTECTING OBAMA WHO IS THE REASON WE ARE HAVING THESE PROBLEMS. He should have been EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD for “AIDING THE ENEMIES ” Just as Bill Clinton and Biden did! That three DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT THAT SHOULD HAVE FACE THE FIRING SQUAD. But we all should remember the fact it happened was because DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS LIKE PELOSI PUSH IT!

  15. With the pest performance of this SS and the DEI hires, Trump will be better protected by States and their Snipers and national guards and private security. At this point SS is either useless or corrupt, or both. DO NOT TRUST THEM ever again till they are shut down and reestablished with patriots.

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