Nancy Pelosi dropped the hammer on Jill Biden after this sickening insult 

The recriminations in the Democrat Party after the 2024 election are kicking into high gear. Two of the left’s big names are at each other’s throats. And Nancy Pelosi dropped the hammer on Jill Biden [...]


  1. The only thing Pelosi is for is aborting children. She could care less about the people. She can’t even take care of her own state. She is a hate mongering senile old fool. She has a lot of money taken from USAID. The only reason she hates Trump is because she got caught! Prosecute her and help your country live through self righteous Nancy! Ask for clearance on where your tax dollars went. You have a right to know! Go Trump and Musk! Publish what you find!

    • Nancy is a little too muddle brained from whatever she’s drinking to see that people are tired of her & the Democrats. Saving the children is exactly what was done by voting for Trump!

  2. Nancy is an old irrelevant hag. Trump and Elon save our country from the likes of Nancy, Chuck, Mitch, Jeffries, Crockett and so many more.

  3. I have never known a political party, like the current democrat, that shows their utter stupidity. I can point to one, that at least is trying to portray a sense of awareness, and that Fetterman of Pa. Even he, is taking the child mulitation and other liberal causes, that is non common sense. Pelosi is beyond her awareness, so both Bidens! IMO

  4. Nancy needs to retire now she is older than Joe. Jill should have, as a wife, had Joe to not run for President from the very beginning. In my mind Nancy and Jill are both wrong, but Nancy did finally come out about Joe’s condition. You still need to go Nancy, and take Schumer, McConnell and all others that are over 80 with you.

  5. this person is the biggest hypocrite in Washington. Her constant lying to herself about, “It’s the people and the children”. She is no more for the people or the children as the Pope (her god) is a Baptist. She is all about herself. Just check her worth. How do you think she got so filthy rich. She is guilty of fraud and insider trade information. She may not have bought or sold her and her husband’s stocks, but she let him know when to move on the selling or buying. All this woman has done in the hypocrite, (democrat), party is lied, lied, lied. She is a fake religious person who uses her humility to fool people. She is a devil woman!!

  6. I think she should have retired many years ago. I have no respect for her and all the damage she has done to our country.

  7. Nancy Pelosi is the poster child of Democrat party corrupt politicians. She should just quit now, go back to her secure SanFran mansion, and peacefully live out the rest of her life. Of course, we can always hope that she is indicted for fraud and thievery of government funds, and go to Leavenworth for the “long, resident phase.”

  8. No Nancy you are not on a mission for the people. You are on a mission to enrichern yourself and other democrats off the tax payers hard labor. You took $175,000,000 out of USAID, have done insider trading, collected bribes and pay offs, plus steal tax payer money else were. You are not to be trusted. Your from a Gangster Family Corrupt Baltimore Father and couldn’t hold your own state, took a position in California becasue they didn’t know who you really are, and have been milking the system for the last nearly half century. Explain how you amassed so much money legally to prove you are not as crooked as a sidewinder snake.

  9. Jill said that they had been friends for 50 years. She found out what happens to those who are friends with a poisonous snake.

  10. This just proves that Big Noise Democrats will USE whatever and whoever they can to get ahead. Friendship, loyalty and respect mean nothing to them. Just look at the millions of suffering Americans right here. Oh, but the Bidens and Pelosis are doing just fine behind their high estate walls!

  11. Nancy is an old alcholic who can’t even take care care of the people in her own state. She has no business trying to run this country! Get her out and put in some younger person who really does care about the children and people in the country! She is full of hatred and revenge and needs to be out!

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