Nancy Pelosi just threw Kamala Harris under the bus with this humiliating put down

Kamala Harris losing to Donald Trump means the knives are out in the Democrat Party. Former allies are turning on Kamala Harris left and right. And Nancy Pelosi just threw Kamala Harris under the bus [...]


  1. Pelosi needs to go, she is too old and stupid to even know what she is talking about. And I thought Pelosi was under investigation on handling secret information and making millions on it. I do not know for sure, but Pelosi should be in jail for her terrible performance in the past. Why does anyone listen to this NUT CASE!

    • Nancy is a power-mad psychopath. She will never step down voluntarily. Biden did not want to leave the campaign and definitely would not go along with stepping out of his president’d job. Nancy forced his hand by threatening a 25th Amendment coup. Joe retaliated by immediately handing over his delegates to the one person he despised more than Nancy. Checkmate!

    • Nancy is a power-mad psychopath. She will never step down voluntarily. Biden did not want to leave the campaign and definitely would not go along with stepping out of his president’s job. Nancy forced his hand by threatening a 25th Amendment coup. Joe retaliated by immediately handing over his delegates to the one person he despised more than Nancy. Checkmate!

  2. Democrats could not tell the truth if you held a gun to their head. Pelosi and the rest of the party knew Biden was mentally unfit to be President. They waited to do anything about it until it was too late to hold a primary. They wanted Camel-a, they thought that the first “Black Female President” was a shoe-in. Any of them that say otherwise are lying through their “Donkey Teeth”.

    • Didn’t Nancy pelosi just admit to a crime of quarterbacking a coup against President Biden? Don’t let those words go unnoticed. It’s just like she formed a coup on January 6th to blame President Trump for inciting a riot and an insurrection? Isn’t that another crime? This lady is nothing but a liar and does not deserve to be where she is today. She ought to be in jail also for stocks that she bought knowingly would rise and when they would fall and selling out. This woman is a complete scumbag.

      • You got it! PELOSI was behind every COUP AND CRIME! It sad there are other democrats politicians who REFUSED TO FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION LAWS! An average person could tell PELOSI IS TO BLAME FOR JANUARY 6TH. She should be EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD! I do not care how old she is! She know she guilty as do those 10 democrats and 2 Republicans that was PICK BY PELOSI FOR HER COMMITTEE. These 12 also should be facing EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD.

    • Kamala’s ancestors were white slaveowners owners. Her and ancestors we’re from Scotland. The book she wrote is full of lies the pictures of her with her supposed grandmother is not her grandmother at all she is one of the hired house maids or hired help. Her real grandmother is a white woman.I wouldn’t trust Kamala Harris as far as I could see. Just a little FYI for you in case you didn’t already know this. She is a liar and to never be trusted on anything that she says. Thank God she did not win the election.

  3. These democommunist idiots are exposing their plans for the future by admitting their underhanded back stabbing MO. This means that we must keep a strong and close watchout for their low down efforts to undermine the Republican/conservatives in office plus we must forever maintain control in government for this country to thrive never allowing another of these treacherous individuals to gain power and authority in government again.

  4. Pelosi has been there 50 years too long. Along with Schumer and Durbin. McConnell should quit immediately but at least he’s not running again and isn’t in charge. It’s time to clean house of these people who have been there too long. Maxine Watters is long past being out of touch with reality.

  5. It’s time for term limits. If they weren’t there for 50 years they wouldn’t be able to acquire so much power to do so much damage and have other people that are controlling them with payoffs.

  6. Nancy, I figured out almost right away why Biden did that, he was getting back at you for what you did to him. He never should have run for President in the first place because he already had issues. He got even because he knew that she wasn’t smart enough to beat Trump. Plus he knew about her drinking & the fact that she was lazy. H/E GOT EVEN!

  7. Where does she get off!! She is and has been one of the worst things in our gov. One of the biggest money grubbers for everything she has demanded and has done nothing but try to cover up what she has done. She needs to be gone out of DC for good and go home to take care of her drinking, and her lush husband, that claim, glass from inside the house out was a break in. Their lies are just that. He and his buddie had a fight and they covered it up.

  8. Remember when pelosi tore up Trump’s State of The Union” address as he was finishing his speech? Karma for kameltoe and pu lose e… The cackling hyena and the inside trader deserve each other as they fade into the dustbin of history and irrelevancy… 🙂

  9. Nancy Pelosi is the POSTER CHILD for CONGRESSIALTERM LIMITS. Besides, her family wealth increased considerably since she has been in Congress.

  10. So, just because Biden endorsed Harris, everyone was supposed to follow? I recall a few republicans who won their races without Trump’s endorsement. Their own fault for playing follow the leader.

  11. Nancy what’s her name is a “HAS BEEN”.
    You know——- liked raked over the hot coals of Pennsylvania.
    Pulled from “dung pits in the elephant region of Africa”
    The female from hell. She is obsessed with power she doesn’t deserve.
    Can you say “Nancy Piglosi——GO AWAY
    Like “FAR – FAR – AWAY “
    And even further.

  12. Nothing better than marixt democrats fighting with each other paired with all marixt in that shit hole called Hollywood are packing up (so they say) and leaving America this makes my day now an obituary notice George soros would cause me to celebrate!

  13. Typical Criminal Organization meltdown! Nancy Pelosi is a worthless turd, President Trump waxed the Flo wit dat ho! Nancy Pelosi used insider trading fraud to get filthy rich and her time is drawing near!

  14. Don’t forget ! Nancy Pelosi’s copy, of President Trump’s State of the Union address,
    should be printed on TYVEK .

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