One CNN host owes J.D. Vance an apology after this big lie got exposed

The media attacks on J.D. Vance and Donald Trump are going too far. Media bias is the story of this campaign. And one CNN host owes J.D. Vance an apology after this big lie got [...]


  1. I use to watch CNN many years ago the people they have on there now are not reporters they are so far to the left for me I was a Union member almost all my working life but the blue have left me I had no choice but to leave them!!!And yes she should apologize to Vance and the American people for all her left wing garbage she promotes!

    • I hope when Trump gets elected again that he takes away the press credentials of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS and bans them from the White House and makes sure NO member of his government speaks to anyone from these entities. Let them do what they do best LIE and make things up

        • Confusion is when a person doesn’t know where they stand or what they truly stand for. To have a clear understanding of this one must be able to decern the “truth”…….very powerful thing – truth. Certain things in this life never change and I choose to cling to what I personally decern as what’s true and not some I’ll fated version of it. !!!!! *****TRUMP/VANCE 2024*****

  2. This is nothing new. I remember a few years back when CNN was telling everyone how “stupid” world renowned brain surgeon Dr. Ben Carson was and what a genius the guy who had to surrender his law license to avoid prosecution for lying on his bar application was. Another take away from that campaign was that if you did not vote for Barack Obama – you were called a racist. But, the Democrats calling people like Dr. Carson, Alan Keyes, “Uncle Tom’s” are somehow not racist? Also Dr. Carson was born and raised in Detroit, both of his parents were African American and natural born American citizens. Obama is 1/2 African American and nobody is really sure where he was born. His African grandmother who said she was present when he was born is Kenya was called a liar. Now we see the same thing with Harris – 1/2 African-Jamaican and half Indian. NEITHER of her parents were American citizens when she was born in L.A. – NOR was she ever legally nominated to be president. She was on the balloty as Biden’s VP. When he dropped out she went with him. Legally she should have had to toss her hat in the ring and go thru the primary process. Apparently the campaign that says “Harris to save Democracy” does not even understand how Democracy works. I also wonder why it is that the Democrats cannot support a 100% African American to be president?

    • Who gets what is often complex; America is constituted of a wide range of
      mixed races, National origins, and ambitions. We have laws that determine
      which are qualified for our highest offices. It is fair to investigate
      backgrounds of each candidate, but America has become the hotbed for conspiracy
      theories, unrelenting racism, Ethnicism, and convenient lying. Regrettably,
      we have millions who out of suspicion take the low road…

  3. When pigs fly. In the words of Plato, “Ignorance is the root and stem of all evil.” Seems like we have some of that on our side. That along with the RINOS is very troubling.

  4. What I find amazing is that 23% of the poll respondents don’t think that Vance is owed an apology for being lied about.

    • When one builds his argument on a lie, his credibility
      is not to be taken seriously. The assumption that
      the community is in sum opposed to the Haitians, is
      not supported in fact. It appears that racism, and
      remigration have become common dog whistles for the FW…

  5. Just because the actual bogus bomb threats came from overseas doesn’t mean they weren’t incited by Trump/Vance talking points!

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