One damning picture was the final nail in the coffin for Kathy Hochul

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is in a world of trouble. There may be no climbing out of this hole. And one damning picture is the final nail in the coffin for Kathy Hochul. A [...]


  1. Just like what nancy would do in s.f. If she was in charge of the state lie her for. Does know, blew off things and say stuff too like good for the Hollywood types wow no brain in the heads just look at me type of things.

  2. Perhaps We the People should begin to inflict the same horrors upon those politicians that the politicians allow to be inflicted upon US!

    Isn’t there a Rule like that? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    THEY are doing these things unto US and shouldn’t they be agreeable to us doing it unto them? Everyone who walks near Hochul should at least pull out a lighter and wave it at her as a symbol!

  3. Trump please get Hochul & Bragg
    Out of office. They both are evil characters & not good for the People or the City.

    President Trump you are in power now Please get these 2 Evil
    Characters out of NY.


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