One Hollywood A-list star fled the country because Trump won

Every four years some Hollywood leftist claims they will leave the country if a Republican wins. This year someone made good. And one Hollywood A-list star fled the country because Trump won. Eva Longoria leaves [...]


  1. Its easy for them all to leave they have homes all over the world just wish they would stay thats why they dont understand the hardships of other people because they have the funds to get away from it!

      • that ho that left california is a moron if she believes TRUMP is all the bullsh*t crap she flopped her lips about with TRUMP..TRUMP ran cause he was so sick of the real legal american people have been getting ripped off from these corrupt crooked democrooks who could careless about you..simple as that..TRUMP gave up his rich life to save america and the american people..the election was stolen from TRUMP and the american people in 2020..but God let these crooked democrooks get away with ripping off the election of 2020 for the american people to relize that these crooked demokcrooks did rig the election..they needed to see for themselves just how much TRUMP does love the american people and america..just like they made sure these corrupt democrooks couldnot steal this election..if you ever want to keep the hard work that President Trump will do for these 4 years dont ever vote for these corrupt crooked democrooks cause they dont give a flying poop for you or america..they are very sick people..just look at the damage they have done to your children..your son goes to school and you have these fraks in the schools brainwashing your children to change who they are…my mailmans neighbors son went to scholl one day and comnes home telling his fatherf he wants to be a girl..that is what these freaks are doing in the schools..these teachers need to be thrown in jail for trying to destroy and dehumanize your children…lock up these freaks…keep them out of the goverment jobs..crooked biden has these trans freaks in goverment jobs..hell no..get them out of any goverment jobs…let them live on their own island and they can do who ever they want on their own island..we dont need these people around our children…any of these people dont like that TRUMP will be president to save our great nation they can me they wont be missed…hopefully after all the stuff that comes out abbout diddy’s freak off parties alot of them will be locked up messing with under age children..oprah hopefully will be one of the first to be locked up for doing her thing at diddy’s freal off parties along with the clintons and the obama’s..alot of these elites were at didd’ys parties…that day wont come fast enough..hopefully they will be locked away for life and all their millions wont save their butts…

      • I can’t be MORE HAPPY to seeing Atleast 1 keeping their word !! I’m still waiting for Meat Head to set fire !! Where are the tickets for sale !???

    • I agree Janice. But, those funds came from dummies like us. Well, not me, per say, because you couldn’t pay me to watch anything she was involved in or with, but other folks. Bet most of them were Dems…..

    • Longoria – whoever she is (I’ve never heard of her) has just displayed to the world how ignorant she is. How disconnected from reality she is. How distorted her view of reality is. Having such a distorted perspective does not bode well for a person’s success in life. Stick around.

    • Any person that cannot live with the person that has been legally voted into office is a person that has no character or self worth. We Republicans had to live for 4 years with the likes of Biden, his wife, Pelosi & all her stupidly, and many more Democrats that are the most stupid people in the world. They completely destroyed our country along with most of the other countries in the world. We know all this, as does the rest of the world. “Uncle”Joe and “Doctor” Jill are a total embarrassment to the USA. I thank God every day for allowing DJT to be put back into the White House. America has finally opened their eyes to what has been going on in DC, and had enough of the POWER HUNGRY, MONEY GRABBING of the Democratic Party.

  2. Well, can’t say that I’m sorry to see her go. But I do want to say that I hope that the door hits her in the ass as she goes. We don’t need ungrateful Pieces of dung like her in the first place. Want to bet on how long a period of time passes before she tries to come back. She’s the type that we need to block from ever returning, the ungrateful piece of shit….

    • She’s hardly an A-Lister. She hasn’t done anything of significance since Biden groped her on stage. Plus, she already has a home in Mexico and Spain and has been living in both places for years.

      • I agree wholeheartedly with your belief. The rest need to go also they are usless pieces of crap and they should not be allowed to take their money with them they should be forced to leave their money here if for nothing else for taxes they didn’t

  3. She says that she is leaving because of Covid issues, high state taxes, and homeless encampments taking over the state. All courtesy of the democrats that have been running the state for decades. But she is leaving because Trump won the election. So is this stupidity, idiocy, or just having her head so far up her ass she is starting to see daylight again.?

    • While Kamala had a lot to do in California before she rode into their US Senate seat, California was getting slammed because Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi were getting rich with insider information and the people were not their concern, just the money. Loose lips from Nancy herself 😊😊😊 Just Crazy!

      • Pretty much like Kamala’s campaign money. Where did it go? Somebody was keeping the books. Do your quarterly report this December and tell the people what you did with their money. Did Gavin and Nancy get money from the campaign? It usually rolls down hill…Kamala will blame somebody. Ya know? All she wanted was the money anyways. My goodness, just admit it, we know your type. 😊😊😴

  4. Good riddance I don’t think there’s that many people that care if you stay or go, I’d say the majority that voted for Trump don’t care for you or any other so-called actor or actress singer Entertainer bands millionaires billionaires you can all go we could care less we just wish that when you did leave that you’d never ever come back

  5. I read what she said about this. She, her husband and son have been living between Spain and Mexico for years because she works there. She said she loves America. Typical liberal Hollywood garbage gossip.

    • She loves America for the dollars she made here and invested her American made dollar in places like Mexico/Spain. Looking ahead of what was to come in her old age she did well to invest for her future. So, she should be very grateful for that American dollar she was able to earn. Because that American dollar invested in those countries, she chose was worth a lot more than their own pesos. She invested wisely. But now she has her nest feathered she gave America (that made it all possible for her) a black eye. It’s going to hunt her….. and I just say don’t let the door hit you in the behind. You will for sure not be missed by Hollywood. Your star was already nose diving anyway.

    • I never heard of her, and I don’t give a hoot what she says. I’m a proud American and I’m soooo happy the democrat/marxists got their asses kicked by Trump!!!!!


  6. It’s glory be a Major contributer to Newsom and Hollywood CALIFORNIA scum downfall being she played satanic scum WHORE in soap trash so many worship!!!!

  7. BYE and don’t come back. At least she made good on leaving like she would. Let’s see if some of the other left wing liberal Democrat celebrities that said they would leave do so. Many said that when President Trump got elected on 2016, and didn’t. LIARS.

  8. That’s one, but a far cry from the many who said they’d leave. I wish these selfish, spoiled elites would stay away and keep us from their crap.

  9. Good riddance, Eva. I’d gladly donate a dollar to your one way airline ticket – except you really don’t need it.

  10. Before she & family left, did they turn in their US Citizenship papers ?? Would be very nice ( wokeness )…Thanks, Steve Whitlow a Vietnam Era Vet. 1965-1971…

  11. Yes and the biggest one that ruined California Wants to be president in 2028
    I don’t watch the boob tube. Threw it out the day Ahab eliminated the people of Waco Tx

  12. Hollywood if your leaving do it take your family so you’ll be comfortable and not have to return to America we don’t need Hollywood their trash if all liberal Hollywood scum would leave I’d celebrate for days. Next please advise if you come across a death notice for George soros let me know another celebration is in order. My opinion

  13. She literally had to block bidens hands to keep them off her chest and she wants to blame the problems on Trump? She made her millions off the USA and never has stayed in the USA other than to make money in her adult life. She was not American, she was Global. Her like many ‘A’ listers, just suck the blood/money from Amercans (USA) and complains about how weak is has become while sucking its life away. All those celebs that said they were going to leave, should just leave and don’t come back….. I here eastern europe is enjoying itself…….

  14. Glad she is gone the US will be better off with out her. It sucks that she did not take more of the looney leftist with her. Now cancel her citizenship. Then she can not come back. Stupid is as STUIP does.

  15. I wouldn’t call Eva Longoria an A-lister. She did some TV shows and commercials. No big movies. I only wish she would take a lot more actors with her. They destroyed California. I will never set foot in that state again or New York, New Jersey or Canada. I’ve been to all these places several times but no more. And never ever Mexico. We need to send all the illegal aliens to California and let them deal with them. They want and deserve them.

  16. LOL..The lying Ms. L did leave the country but it was when her home state “the taxes are too high” CALIFORIA was locked down due to the big C virus, she splits her time between Spain & Mexico.

  17. They are leaving because they are part of the Diddy thing. They are guilty of raping children and God knows what else they did to them and they know they will be charged with crimes.

  18. If every Liberal pea wit left this country like they said they would then a lot of foreign nations would be building walls around their own borders!

    They talk BIG. They think and act small.

  19. One of the greatest aspects, of my country, is that no one interferes with our leaving. We are not prisoners ! Eva, don’t forget to renounce your US citizenship. Bye !

  20. There she stands, telling lies about Trump. He is not a convicted felon. Those charges started with a claim that he defrauded a bank. That bank said, “NO! He did not defraud us. We love doing business with him and he paid back the full loan”. Bragg and Merchan pulled a fake prosecution and they know they did.
    Her REAL reasons for leaving are the things Newsom did to turn CA into an unfit place to live. Give It a couple of years and she will want to come back because of the changes Trump’s policies will bring.

  21. She left yet? Did she rent out her home to illegal immigrants? Why not, how about denounced her citizenship? All these Hollywood celebrities leaving, because they know they are on someone list as a child abuser, pedophile, or rapists! You can only imagine why they fear Trump when he help some of them from the beginning.

  22. Good bye and don’t come back!
    As for the democrats who are deep state criminals put their jacka$$ under the jail in gitmo prison permanently!!!!!!! That goes for RINOS ALSO!!!!!!!!!

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