One of “The View’s” cohosts just found herself in this compromising situation

The left-wing media keeps suffering defeat after defeat after Donald Trump’s election. Now that Donald Trump is back in office, matters are worse. And one of The View’s cohosts just found herself in this compromising [...]


  1. A whole one day? The hostages have been held since October 7,2023, that’s 15 months of hell. Not counting the fatalities on that, nor the hostages who have been killed while in captivity, that’s just a token gesture. She should wear the hat one day for each hostage released, starting with the first 3 just released.

    • I wouldn’t want to see her disgracing the hat and what MAGA stands for. She is a total hypocrite and traitor. Go to hell Alyssa.

  2. Wow. I can’t stand that program because of all the hate and vitriol that’s spouted, but I would watch it to see one of their hosts eat some humble pie.


  4. Journalists should report the truth, not their own views, unless they state that it is their personal view, not necessarily the truth, as backed up by evidence. For way too long, we have been exposed to a WOKE view with no evidence.

  5. The View is one of the most vile, racist, derogatory, hurtful and with anti-American disgusting diatribe program in TV…ABC should be ashamed of themselves…unless they, including the management, condone this type of programming. In that case, every one of the hosts, the producers AND ABC management SHALL be fired…effective immediately!!!!!

    • The view is loaded with STUPID LEFT WING IDIOTS. As the old saying goes, you can’t fix STUPID.

      • Don’t watch the view. All media spews the rhetorical garbage of racism and all insane ideology as basic TRUTHS AND ITS ALL LIES!! Why is that garbage still being televised if it so important to end the racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia and they splash it to America daily??

  6. This entire cast of never Trump’s are an insult to the vast citizens of our nation. Trump was sent by Jesus Christ to rescue America from the clutches of Satan himself disguised as Joe Biden.

  7. looking forward to complete cancellation of this ridiculous waste of time show that is so biased and insensitive to patriotism for country. Elections have been consequences and time for these fools to retire forever because of their nonsense views.Amen

  8. It’s time for the show to be cancelled. It gets terrible ratings. I don’t know why anyone would waste their time watching it. The people who are on it are evil people who hate everything and everyone. And they lie about everything they say. I’m sure that Sunni’s husband wishes that she wasn’t on it because she hung him out to dry.

  9. I watch the View as many days I am home when it is on. It always makes me think and chuckle. I like the viewpoint of all these women. They cannot agree and still be colleagues.

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