One rumor about Taylor Swift led to one sick attack by a former football star

Taylor Swift is a magnet for headlines and gossip. That comes with being the most famous woman in the world. And now one rumor about Taylor Swift led to one sick attack by a former [...]


  1. It’s journalistic interference in a ‘love affair’ – whether it works out or not. Neither one (Travis nor Taylor) will know true privacy. It comes with the ‘turf’. Both their lives are lived in the public eye. Even every stitch of clothing and accessory is scrutinized on Taylor. Does the world really have to watch them ‘make love’ in public to be appreciated? Politics aside, just let them alone.

  2. The media has created this. I had to turn the SuperBowl off. I got so sick of looking at what Taylor Swift thought of every play.

  3. Nobody cares what Talor Swift or anyother celebarity thinks!!! They do not live in the “Real World”

    • He’s a grown man. If he out of shape it’s his own fault. Taylor has many faults but I wouldn’t blame her for this.

    • Hey, travis is one of the nfl’s premier players and overbthe past other teams have realized that to stop KC, you must include stopping Travis. Football people know he is being touble and tripleteamed which opens up other receivers. So he is doing g his job and he will get passes and touchdowns this season as he gas done the past years.

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