Pope Francis had one reaction to Trump’s inauguration that crossed a big line
Pope Francis has been a longtime critic of Donald Trump. But the start of a new administration is supposed to be a chance for a new beginning. And Pope Francis had one reaction to Trump’s [...]
The pope should look in a mirror. But maybe not because it might shatter at the hypocrisy. Pope should stay the hell out of politics as Jesus told his followers but who ever said the catholic church ever followed Jesus or the Bible??
The Pope should practice what he preaches to others and tear down his walls first.
Absolutely correct, Trump can assist him by sending these violent illegals to the Vatican.
Yes- I am catholic and have decided this is no longer my chosen church because of this pope. Tear down your walls and welcome all to your “haven”. People in glass houses…I am ashamed over his rhetoric and it is no wonder the catholics are losing followers!
Churches world wide should not play with politics,leave them to the politicians
What kind of border does The Vatican have? I’m sure the Pope lives in a very secure environment!
True what? The Bishop, now the Pope, who do they think they are. Not a God loving Christian, catholic? Disgusting! The way they talk, they had hate for Trump. Hate?? From a Pope and that woman supposed to be giving a prayer service over Trump and his family. Blasphemy! Despicable! Shame on you, better go to confession.
This Pope is a DEI HIRE! This is what happens when the focus is not on the best person for the job. He’s a disgrace!
But the Pope likes Pelosi and Schumer and the rest of those who would run the country down the rabbit hole.
NO Christian church That believes in LGBTQ+ And or believes in the marriage between two men or two women in fact is not a CHRISTIAN CHURCH!!!!!!! The Bishop and POPE NEED TO READ WHAT IS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS IN THE HOLY BIBLE AND STOP TRYING TO DEFEND THIS AGENDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Bible text from James (thought to be the James who was Jesus’ half brother) says “But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty [as a mirror] and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does” (James 1:25). Christians are examine how well the reflect the living Word of God. What does the Bible say about immigrants/’strangers in your land’: THAT THE PEOPLE OF GOD are to welcome and protect the ‘strangers in your land’ who contribute to the wholesomeness of the community. So, clearly criminally-acting immigrants can – by the MIRROR of God’s living Word be deported, WITHOUT VIOLENCE – but the MIRROR of God’s living Word says some very different about immigrants contributing to society: they are to be protected. Might some be deported for particular failure and infractions – e.g. creating false documents – perhaps. But not all. SO everyone on the side of DEPORT THEM ALL WITHOUT ANY CONSIDERATION are clearly ANTI-God’s Word. You can go right on TO HELL then! Because that is what happens to those to OPENLY REJECT God’s Word. Go right on TO HELL! God is going to DEPORT YOU … TO HELL!
Except for native American Indians, we are all immigrants in America but we came here legally. There’s a huge difference between illegal aliens and legal immigrants. How many invaders has the pope welcomed into the Vatican? A big zero. He is an illegitimate pope, in my opinion, that usurped an existing pope. Pope Benedict was the pope from 2005 until Feb. 2013 (Pope Francis was pontificated to the papacy March 2013). Pope Benedict “relinquished” his papacy Feb. 2013 and died Dec. 2022. That was unprecedented (and suspicious) as a new pope doesn’t pontificate until a previous pope has expired. The papacy has never been the same since. Pope Francis is WOKE and doesn’t follow the laws of the church. Maybe that’s why he’s pro-illegals, pro-abortion and all things not practiced by the Catholic Church. That’s my opinion.
This pope welcomed biden and pelosi – who were so keen on late term abortion. He is a fake
Baloney. Anyone coming into this country must be legal. If not they’re committing a crime.
Oh, by the way. Please don’t forget to take plenty of illegals into your own home and into the homes of your family so you can practice what you preach.
I may go straight to Hell but the roads you traveled will be easy for me to follow getting there! If you think illegal showing up at our order after walking 1400 miles in new clothes and Iphone are clean rightious people then you are a fool! They are merely the Devils Pawns!
The pope is sitting behind big walls himself. Send all the immigrants to his house!!! That’s bull crap! He’s not affected by it. Is that why priests are molesters??? I’m no longer catholic because of this kind of crap!!!
What are you then KJ? Tell me what is the perfect society that you live in these days?
rural Virginia
When exactly were you appointed God’s emissary? Some of us didn’t receive the announcement.And we THANK THE TRUE GOD that your evil little self is NOT going to be able to judge us. Also in case you don’t understand, illegally crossing a countries borders IS a crime.
So the pope and The Vatican MUST tear down their walls and take care of millions of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?
That IS what you were trying to say, correct?
You might be right about that but WHO MADE YOU Executioner of God? You gotta check yourself before you wreck yourself!! You Righteous hypocrite. You really talk a good game.
YOU don’t tell ME WHAT my God is going to do with me.
BTW I am a non-practicing Catholic from devout Catholic tradition. 12 yes Catholic school. Don’t believe I need to go to a building to worship My GOD MY JESUS MY HOLY SPIRIT. BUT this Pope is a TRUE GLOBALIST & dislikes President Trump cuz he is NOT – THANK GOD! I HAVE NEVER LIKED THIS POPE, NEVER TRUSTED HIM, NEVER FELT COMFORTABLE WITH HIM, NOR LIKED WHAT I SAW IN HIS EYES.
I totally agree with this. He should stick to his Business. Pompous phony. This is my opinion of him. I’m a Catholic. He crossed a line he shouldn’t have crossed.
He needs to study and preach the Bible. He’s Satan’s little warrior by bringing idols into the church, spreading LGBTQLMNOP propaganda, and disgracing God!
The Pope seems to be judging us. What does the Bible say about judging? Judge not lest you be judged! LINDA
He will be Judged and he will not be Happy with our Lords verdict. He acts like he is friends with Satan and God will introduce him to Satan!
You are exactly correct! The pope is a man that was picked to be a pope. That DOES NOT guarantee him going to heaven when he dies. The Bible says we are saved thru grace from Jesus, and our faith in believing there is only one God who can save us.
The church should not stay out of politics. Why doesn’t the pope invite the migrants to come and live with him.
Does he join his priests when they molest children? People of the cloth are experts in that area.
Francis is the worst pope and Biden was the worst imposter of a president.
I fully agree. Stop interfering. He should accept Illegal immigrants from U S , U K.and Europe into VaticanCity especially Muslim AMEN
I envision St Peter kicking the Pope’s posterior before sending him downstairs for Satan’s hospitality. He’s the worst excuse for a Pope that I’ve seen in my 75 years – an extremely poor example of a religious leader, along the lines of that idiot bishop at the “ prayer service” earlier this week.
Yes, they’re both of the same cloth! Hopefully, our new envoy to the Vatican is going to ruffle some feathers!😆
The illegal immigrants need to be flown to the Vatican and see if they accept them.
Send them to Ron DeSantis and suggest that.
More truthful words have never been spoken, he should just go and retire. Let someone else take over and hopefully straighten out the mess this Pope has made of the Catholic faith.
The pope has locked doors and windows, armed guards super high security and secret rooms. how about the pope get rid of the guns and security and let everyone in?
The arrogance and hypocrisy of this pope is sickening. Remember the catholic church helped the Germans during world war one and two.
agreed the pope should not involve in politics, he don’t understand the problems of America how the illegal migrant affects the economy of the united state of America, the pope should focus on religious beliefs
You are talking about the Catholic church that Jesus started? Correct? And God did select the Pope. Want to argue with God?
Hey Pope…Mind your own GD business and do what you were elected to do…..Pray!!!!. Before you start making judgements of people, look at cleaning your own house i.e. Child molestation. “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” also, “It is best to be thought a fool than open one’s mouth and remove a doubt”. Amen
True! If I remember correctly, Pope Francis hasn’t open the gates of the Vatican to millions or even hundreds of Illegal Aliens arriving daily in Italy!
The Vatican has the world’s most GOLD and Money –Wonder why they don’t USE it for the good of the POOR?? Oh just ask the succors for MORE!
The pope happily embraced a number of “devout Catholics” who were doing all they could to have late term abortions made legal.- Biden/Pelosi for example.
The pope is a hypocrite – how much money do you think he is sending to
north Carolina or California?
Donald Trump doesn’t think he’s God . He thinks he’s better than God
If he was a rabbi in our synagogue he would have been fired a long time ago.
The Bible says Call no man you father but that witch is in heaven?wow so the Catholic Church calls the Pope father What are u kidding me this church is nown as the Roman false church in Scripture be not deceived the adversary satin the devil 👿 has blinded there eyes as well as millions of others look for your self in the Bible it will surprise u to know what that churches intentions are play in the last days total assaulting true believers wake up Jesus himself said no man can come to the father except though me.he also said if you see me you seen the father.WOW.as as Jesus said if you seen me u seem the father.he also said me and my father are as one.look in your bible.so I am convinced THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Is the false church.Not A SERMON just a thought.
The Pope should stick to theology and keep his nose out of politics of other nations. Why doesn’t he open Vatican City to illegals? Because he is a hypocrite. Why doesn’t he aggressively root out and ex-communicate pedophile priests? Because that would expose the Catholic Church’s abuse.
BRILLIANT!!! The CATHOLIC CHURCH is the RICHEST and they should SPEND THAT MONEY TAKING CARE OF THE ILLEGALS. Besides, Pope Francis is a charlatan.
Why then is it OK for a wall around the Vatican but we shouldn’t have one? When the Pope opens up his wall to allow anyone in then I may change my mind about him.
I agree I’m a Catholic and do not like this Pope. I say all these people who illegals should go to the Vatican and let the Pope take care of them! He turns the words in the Bible to suit him!
God is not concerned AT ALL whether you ‘like’ the Pope or not. THAT IS A MATERIALISTIC, SATANIC point of view. As a Roman Catholic you are supposed to PRAY for the Pope and all ministers. If you can’t do that why don’t you just become a Muslim Jihadist, since they are all about ‘not liking’ and ‘hating’ and you are a HATER just like them?
In Total agreement
That wall is to keep the public from observing what goes on inside.
Possibly true…through the centuries much sin and corruption has been hidden by those Vatican wslls!
I totally agree! Send them to the Vatican. You better believe he would send them away. Such a hypocrite! He’s the one who doesn’t show he is a Christian. Clean out the abusers in your Catholic churches before you attack others. Before you get the speck out of someone else’s eye, remove the log from your own first. He needs to take care of his own business. He isn’t a citizen here.
A big AMEN!
You are right, no business in the USA. Take care of your child molesting clergyman first.
So true!
the pope LIKES his pedophile priests ….. makes me sick. Grown men prancing around in long heavily embroidered dresses (which cost a small FORTUNE) while waving perfume around – give me a break.
You took the words right out of my mouth…we should send all the illegals to the Vatican.
the pope doesn’t seem to identify abusive priests as a problem, only America’s need for a Border Wall like the vatican already has!!!
One great example of hypocrisy. The scandals covered up by the “church” should be enough to keep him out of our politics. Did he mention the harm inflicted on Indians by the boarding schools? Didn’t Think so.
I find it hypocritical that Pope Francis, who lives in the most cloistered city, criticizes our President for doing the most basic and number one job of keeping the American citizens safe! He is also listening to the will of the majority of his citizens.
I don’t bother to listen to this Pope’s opinions. He supports unholy agendas that are not Godly or scriptural!
The Pope needs to stay out of politics. He’s supposed to be a person of faith and as such has no right to speak out against someone who is trying to make a country better for their own citizens. He has his own mess on his hands so he should be ashamed of himself and take responsibility and resign.
Wow, that is VERY STUPID. Countless Evangelical preachers openly endorsed Trump. You didn’t CONDEMN them to ‘stay out of politics’ did you? Your comment is SATANIC HYPOCRISY that sounds like someone God is going TO DEPORT TO HELL. HOW FOOLISH, like you, who denies God’s Word.
Those preachers are American citizens. The pope has no business meddling in a country’s laws when they are dealing with illegals. (By the way, the very word “illegal” should tell you the law is being broken.)
My feelings exactly.
You’re judging someone by telling them Ed n they’re going to hell? Wow! The Bible does not justify breaking the law, by the way.
First of all, Rural Virginia, what Bible are YOU reading? Mine says that if we accept the Lord Jesus and believe He was raised from the dead, then we are saved! Those born again cannot go to hell! Talk about hypocrisy – who are YOU to condemn people?
Do we all still sin after being saved? Yes, we do!
You should read Galatians 6:2! Do you think that all the illegals are Christian by killing, raping and pillaging? I think not!
Why don’t you take them into rural Virginia and find out for yourself! All ILLEGAL imigrants should be deported – they are all breaking the law by just coming into our country!
May God bless you with the TRUTH of His Holy Word!
Spoken like a true brainwashed Catholic. You seem to have an unbelievable amount of hatred just below the surface lwaiting to erupt, and enjoy threatening others with “deportation to hell”. For your information, who goes to hell is God’s decision alone – not YOURS, not the pope’s, and not any other man’s. Perhaps stop trying to play God and work on your own salvation instead if sitting in judgement of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING you personally disagree with. A huge number of people in this country have been harmed by the policies of the past four years, and it’s high time we turn that around. Virtue is not only defined by how one treats strangers, but also how they treat their own. The discrepancy between those two has been huge during the Biden regime. If you hate Americans as much as your comments indicate, perhaps there’s another country that would better suit you. Perhaps try scaling the Vatican walls and insist on accommodations and living allowance – I’m sure your beloved, compassionate pope would agree. Anything short of that would make him a total hypocrite.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 You are absolutely spot on with every word!!!
“GODS WORD”….A lesson for you, never mix politics with religion!!!!
The Pope’s comments are only “God’s Words” to those who believe in this charletan!
I AM ALL For Making America American Again!
MAAA! Get rid of Everyone or thing that IS ILLEGAL!
Laws of the land !!
The Pope should take down the walls around his domain before he puts down what otheirs do to protect their countiers. Two faced person he is !
church is a made up idea to give people hope and brainwash them. they push their own agenda. this guy i read has a big wall around his church. hmmm wonder why. to stop people entering or for protection. Church should be open to all. History has shown that. I don t see or read this Preacher has open his doors to Illegal immigrants.To house them ? They send missionaries out to do their work.
How long would a pitched tent with homeless migrants last in St Peter’s Square??
Probably several seconds, but not more than that.
Churches world wide should not play with politics,leave them to the politicians
Hey, Mr. Pope-a Dope, open the Vatican gates and let all the godless foreigners flood in to loot your vast treasures, harass your citizens and desicrate your cathedral. You are a hypocrit and a vicar of Satan!
The Pope should take down the walls around his domain before he puts down what otheirs do to protect their countiers. Two faced person he is !
The Hypocrites of the Pope are many.Why can’t America defend it’s borders? Try crossing the border in or out of China. To waste tax payer’s money by giving illegal immigrants free money instead of helping Americans is ridiculous. The Pope is basically saying to illegal immigrants to go to America, it’s the land of free stuff.
Once you get into China, you don’t get out.
Not one RED CENT for illegals while there are homeless vets!!!
When the Pope reforms the Roman Catholic Church, that is, removes the pedophile priests, cleans up the wealth in the Vatican and distributes it to the poor & needy, opens up the vast lands held by the Church to the Homeless, takes the logs out of its eyes and sees what is truly going on in this world and stops judging others by his standard. The United States is not a Theocracy under the Pope. We are a Republic, and the President is responsible for the Welfare & Safety of all Americans. The Pope is not. The Pope does not have the Responsibility & therefore, the penalties if he fails. Therefore, He is just blowing smoke when he pontificates about the invasion of illegals in the United States. And yes, when people enter a country illegally, it is an invasion – even if someone invites to do so!
I’m a Catholic and went through Catholic school 1-8 grade and then public school 8-12. But in church we had mass with priests that said Mass and didn’t put politics in the sermon. My favorite pope was Pope John Paul 2nd and pope Benedict who retired. Pope Francis was supposed to retire after 5 years. I think it’s time for him to retire if he can’t get along with Trump . He’s getting old and he’s not well. Time to retire the pope’s that loose step with the Catholic Church and don’t follow Jesus scriptures.
I also that when Pope Francis talks about the lLBGQT and invite Whoopi Goldberg to the Vatican with other Commedians I find that sort of strange. He needs to stick to his church and his teachings. I’m very disappointed with him. As a Pope. With my medical issues I haven’t been church for a while. Hope this year I can feel better to go to church again.
I am Catholic. I may be putting my afterlife in question, but I detest this Communist piece of excrement. Why would anyone listen to him? He lives behind walls, runs around with a police force for protection, lives off of other people’s money and then lectures us poor people that have to worry about our families well-being. Go F yourself.
I wonder what Jesus thinks of the pope…. I hope it’s better than what I think…. Then again ………..
I think we should send all the deported immigrants to the Vatican steps. I wonder what Francis would think of that@@
I think this HYPOCRITICAL false prophet should go back to his WALLED, GUARDED BY ARMED SOLDIERS realm and take care of the huge problems there and just shut the he!! up. The leaders of the Catholic Church are guilty of enough CRIMES to disqualify them from passing judgement on anybody else!
Why doesn’t the church and the Vatican take in thousands of “immigrants” and take care of them at IT’S expense?
First off America was created because people fled the tryanny of the Vatican . President Trump was given a mandate to remove all illegals. But ! He has a mandate from God to stop the murders of his children . No nation that preys upon it’s most innocent will survive ! And as we all know This Pope wants abortions and sodomy !America is not a Catholic nation. Although 90% of all those in our chambers claim to be one. There’s the problem.
Second Native Indians took this land from someone else. Including each other . No nation has ever popped people out of the ground. Every nation in the world was taken over by Someone much stronger than themselves from another country !
A Revolutionary War made us a nation of Americans not immigrants or illegals. Which gave us a right to say who could come into our sovereign nation And by the way to the bleeding hearts. Where is your compassion for the Native Indian ? Everybody including blacks are put ahead of them They have no place in our chambers Why not ?
Those who are forcing themselves upon us should be removed.They are still coming. And the law that is suppose to be upheld. Says shoot the invading
Our compassion left after 60million illegals were given what Americans owned . They lie about the numbers There were over 12 million in 1960 . Just turn around in a circle and tell me you don’t see at least 10 illegals? Now-our people are dying in the streets . California is an example of putting illegals into government positions over the legal citizens . Look at who is really in their streets. It’s time our culture and people were not destroyed by those in our chambers who seek nothing but power. When those who are only elected morons Are fighting for the rest of the world to continue to rape Americans in every way . Think ! Americans spoke . And it was not to just get rid of a few bad illegals We meant to get rid of all of them . They came not to join but to take. That’s evident in the amount of our debt. And the Over 43 million white people they managed to put into poverty.
Even God himself believed in walls And he even had Joshua Remove by force the evil that contaminated his land. And God said Take care of your own first then use your increase to help others. But the democrats and rinos believe we are to die while they take from us to keep up the world
Pray to the God of Heaven . We have just begun to stop the evil among us. If Gods children sit down Then Satan will continue to end America . And our war has just begun. Satans Children are fighting to destroy all of Americans. It’s time Americans return the God of Heaven in our nation Not the one this Pope serves.
As a former Catholic, I could not have said it better. As my (paternal) Apostolic granny used to say, “We can love all people, but never condone the sin.” I have never known a Pope in my lifetime (62 yrs.) who loves people and supports their sins. No admonishments or disallowing communion to “devout” Catholic politicians who support abortions! My maternal grandparents are problem flipping in their graves!
The god this Pope serves is NOT in heaven!
Talk about hypocrites thy name in Pope Francis the man who favors killing innocent pre-born babies I’m a former Catholic and I was always a champion even to this day and I’m 75 now that life begins a conception I was taught that’s the first breath that child takes to start the journey to being born! As for you stance on illegal invaders your wrong Francis theirs the right lawful way and the invasion illegal way these people came here broke the law whether you except it or not all countries have laws in place to handle this but the invasion was not helpful here innocent handicap service member lost here homes just thrown out so these illegals could move in that was a disgrace and yes the officials of these cities were wrong to do that to honorable service members and bidens regime took our taxpayer money and gave them Free everything while hardworking citizens footed the bill that’s not right that was a criminal act against the citizens who had to foot the bill taking food & house from our families they need to go back to their own countries no more free rides they broke the law if I wanted to go to a foreign country I’d need a passport to enter freely and follow that countries law these illegals think their above following the rule of law so your pathetic rhetoric is WRONG! Illegally invading our country is wrong you will be deported GO PRESIDENT TRUMP!
This Pope is the Anti-Christ! As an 88+ YO Catholic, I will not follow this Pope because he is an ignorant ego-centric narcist. His responsibility as Pope is to prepare Catholics to enter heaven. His Authority and responsibility is not lay politics, If so he needs to stand for election by the population.
Amen and Amen!!! You said it all!
I wonder how giving the pope would be if these people were dropped on his doorstep…
I;m thinking not so generous in his giving. Especially if it came out of his pocket.
He lives in luxury while people all around him close by starve. Some follower of Christ. I think not.
Hey Pope Francis! Pedofilia is not Christian either….neither is Satanic human sacrifice….neither is money laundering. All of these (and more) have been done under the Vatican (tunnels) which has been hidden from the public over the centuries. Little children have been killed for adrenochrome and organ harvesting under the guise of the catholic church. Do not pick the splinter from Trump’s eye, when you have a LOG in yours.
Fortunately, God will soon recall Francis, and then we can all go back to being Catholics again.
Hopefully, if another spawn of Satan doesn’t replace him!
I want to know how many homeless people and Muslim people are going to be housed in Vatican City? Until the doors to the Vatican are open to hundreds of ‘migrants’, the Pope has nothing to say of interest.
This man is NOT the true Pope. Period… He is Literally the False Prophet spoken of in the Book of Revelations. He and the Anti Christ (the literal son of satan) will be thrown into the pits of hell by Jesus Himself very soon.
They OUSTED Pope Benedict. He did NOT resign as they all proclaimed at the top of their demonic lungs and forced Pope Benedict to claim resignation.
The False Prophet Bergoglio who named himself Francis will hand the seat of Peter over to the Anti Christ very soon.
Just as there are brain power depraved persons who follow a Party instead of voting for the best person for the Position, for the Country…
there are also those who will follow this False Prophet put into place by the Masonic Order that infiltrated the Holy Catholic Church.. straight into hell.. INSTEAD of fleeing from him based on the Holy Gospels of Jesus Christ.
We can Only Pray without ceasing for everyone who came before us, with us and after us.
satan is the master of confusion satan is the master of lies
look around.. the entire planet, every country, every person is swimming through oceans of confusion due to lies and deception, false humility, false pride.
The world is turned inside out.
Bottom line.. for the sake of your own salvation. DO NOT FOLLOW THE FALSE PROPHET, BERGOGLIO, who has renamed himself Francis..
Follow Jesus only at all times.
“Francis is a true believer in the globalist open borders agenda.”
Rules for thee but not for me, eh Pope?
The Catholic clergy is just like the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’s day.
Read Matthew Ch 23 where Jesus rails upon the Scribes and Pharisees.
How many refugees has the Vatican taken into its territory??? There are walls around the Vatican to keep people out. Tear them down and feed and house the incoming illegal-alien-invaders. Practice what you preach.
The Catholic Church has been fleecing their flocks for 2000+ years. They have plenty of money and treasure to help the homeless.
The Catholic Church is an abomination.
You hurt children and God will never forgive you. Specifically the Pope. He has disgrace the church and God’s words. Just like Biden put into office by a group of ungodly people who will hurt anyone for personal gain.
Hopefully he will soon leave this earth and go straight to hell